2010-09-28 14:52:20 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Unittests for fixtures.
import os
import sys
try :
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError :
from StringIO import StringIO
from django . core import management
from django . core . management . commands . dumpdata import sort_dependencies
from django . core . management . base import CommandError
from django . db . models import signals
from django . test import TestCase
from models import Animal , Stuff
from models import Absolute , Parent , Child
from models import Article , Widget
from models import Store , Person , Book
from models import NKChild , RefToNKChild
from models import Circle1 , Circle2 , Circle3
from models import ExternalDependency
pre_save_checks = [ ]
def animal_pre_save_check ( signal , sender , instance , * * kwargs ) :
" A signal that is used to check the type of data loaded from fixtures "
pre_save_checks . append (
' Count = %s ( %s ) ' % ( instance . count , type ( instance . count ) ) ,
' Weight = %s ( %s ) ' % ( instance . weight , type ( instance . weight ) ) ,
class TestFixtures ( TestCase ) :
def test_duplicate_pk ( self ) :
This is a regression test for ticket #3790.
# Load a fixture that uses PK=1
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' sequence ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
# Create a new animal. Without a sequence reset, this new object
# will take a PK of 1 (on Postgres), and the save will fail.
animal = Animal (
name = ' Platypus ' ,
latin_name = ' Ornithorhynchus anatinus ' ,
count = 2 ,
weight = 2.2
animal . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( animal . id , 2 )
def test_pretty_print_xml ( self ) :
Regression test for ticket #4558 -- pretty printing of XML fixtures
doesn ' t affect parsing of None values.
# Load a pretty-printed XML fixture with Nulls.
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' pretty.xml ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
self . assertEqual ( Stuff . objects . all ( ) [ 0 ] . name , None )
self . assertEqual ( Stuff . objects . all ( ) [ 0 ] . owner , None )
def test_absolute_path ( self ) :
Regression test for ticket #6436 --
os . path . join will throw away the initial parts of a path if it
encounters an absolute path .
This means that if a fixture is specified as an absolute path ,
we need to make sure we don ' t discover the absolute path in every
fixture directory .
load_absolute_path = os . path . join (
os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) ,
' fixtures ' ,
' absolute.json '
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
load_absolute_path ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
self . assertEqual ( Absolute . load_count , 1 )
def test_unknown_format ( self ) :
Test for ticket #4371 -- Loading data of an unknown format should fail
Validate that error conditions are caught correctly
stderr = StringIO ( )
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' bad_fixture1.unkn ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False ,
stderr = stderr ,
self . assertEqual (
stderr . getvalue ( ) ,
" Problem installing fixture ' bad_fixture1 ' : unkn is not a known serialization format. \n "
def test_invalid_data ( self ) :
Test for ticket #4371 -- Loading a fixture file with invalid data
using explicit filename .
Validate that error conditions are caught correctly
stderr = StringIO ( )
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' bad_fixture2.xml ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False ,
stderr = stderr ,
self . assertEqual (
stderr . getvalue ( ) ,
" No fixture data found for ' bad_fixture2 ' . (File format may be invalid.) \n "
def test_invalid_data_no_ext ( self ) :
Test for ticket #4371 -- Loading a fixture file with invalid data
without file extension .
Validate that error conditions are caught correctly
stderr = StringIO ( )
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' bad_fixture2 ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False ,
stderr = stderr ,
self . assertEqual (
stderr . getvalue ( ) ,
" No fixture data found for ' bad_fixture2 ' . (File format may be invalid.) \n "
def test_empty ( self ) :
Test for ticket #4371 -- Loading a fixture file with no data returns an error.
Validate that error conditions are caught correctly
stderr = StringIO ( )
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' empty ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False ,
stderr = stderr ,
self . assertEqual (
stderr . getvalue ( ) ,
" No fixture data found for ' empty ' . (File format may be invalid.) \n "
def test_abort_loaddata_on_error ( self ) :
Test for ticket #4371 -- If any of the fixtures contain an error,
loading is aborted .
Validate that error conditions are caught correctly
stderr = StringIO ( )
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' empty ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False ,
stderr = stderr ,
self . assertEqual (
stderr . getvalue ( ) ,
" No fixture data found for ' empty ' . (File format may be invalid.) \n "
def test_error_message ( self ) :
( Regression for #9011 - error message is correct)
stderr = StringIO ( )
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' bad_fixture2 ' ,
' animal ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False ,
stderr = stderr ,
self . assertEqual (
stderr . getvalue ( ) ,
" No fixture data found for ' bad_fixture2 ' . (File format may be invalid.) \n "
def test_pg_sequence_resetting_checks ( self ) :
Test for ticket #7565 -- PostgreSQL sequence resetting checks shouldn't
ascend to parent models when inheritance is used
( since they are treated individually ) .
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' model-inheritance.json ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
self . assertEqual ( Parent . objects . all ( ) [ 0 ] . id , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( Child . objects . all ( ) [ 0 ] . id , 1 )
def test_close_connection_after_loaddata ( self ) :
Test for ticket #7572 -- MySQL has a problem if the same connection is
used to create tables , load data , and then query over that data .
To compensate , we close the connection after running loaddata .
This ensures that a new connection is opened when test queries are
issued .
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' big-fixture.json ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
articles = Article . objects . exclude ( id = 9 )
self . assertEqual (
articles . values_list ( ' id ' , flat = True ) . __repr__ ( ) ,
" [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] "
# Just for good measure, run the same query again.
# Under the influence of ticket #7572, this will
# give a different result to the previous call.
self . assertEqual (
articles . values_list ( ' id ' , flat = True ) . __repr__ ( ) ,
" [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] "
def test_field_value_coerce ( self ) :
Test for tickets #8298, #9942 - Field values should be coerced into the
correct type by the deserializer , not as part of the database write .
global pre_save_checks
pre_save_checks = [ ]
signals . pre_save . connect ( animal_pre_save_check )
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' animal.xml ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False ,
self . assertEqual (
pre_save_checks ,
( " Count = 42 (<type ' int ' >) " , " Weight = 1.2 (<type ' float ' >) " )
signals . pre_save . disconnect ( animal_pre_save_check )
def test_dumpdata_uses_default_manager ( self ) :
Regression for #11286
Ensure that dumpdata honors the default manager
Dump the current contents of the database as a JSON fixture
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' animal.xml ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False ,
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' sequence.json ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False ,
animal = Animal (
name = ' Platypus ' ,
latin_name = ' Ornithorhynchus anatinus ' ,
count = 2 ,
weight = 2.2
animal . save ( )
stdout = StringIO ( )
management . call_command (
' dumpdata ' ,
' fixtures_regress.animal ' ,
format = ' json ' ,
stdout = stdout
2010-09-29 01:20:34 +00:00
# Output order isn't guaranteed, so check for parts
data = stdout . getvalue ( )
lion_json = ' { " pk " : 1, " model " : " fixtures_regress.animal " , " fields " : { " count " : 3, " weight " : 1.2, " name " : " Lion " , " latin_name " : " Panthera leo " }} '
emu_json = ' { " pk " : 10, " model " : " fixtures_regress.animal " , " fields " : { " count " : 42, " weight " : 1.2, " name " : " Emu " , " latin_name " : " Dromaius novaehollandiae " }} '
platypus_json = ' { " pk " : 11, " model " : " fixtures_regress.animal " , " fields " : { " count " : 2, " weight " : 2.2000000000000002, " name " : " Platypus " , " latin_name " : " Ornithorhynchus anatinus " }} '
self . assertEqual ( len ( data ) , len ( ' [ %s ] ' % ' , ' . join ( [ lion_json , emu_json , platypus_json ] ) ) )
self . assertTrue ( lion_json in data )
self . assertTrue ( emu_json in data )
self . assertTrue ( platypus_json in data )
2010-09-28 14:52:20 +00:00
def test_proxy_model_included ( self ) :
Regression for #11428 - Proxy models aren't included when you dumpdata
stdout = StringIO ( )
# Create an instance of the concrete class
Widget ( name = ' grommet ' ) . save ( )
management . call_command (
' dumpdata ' ,
' fixtures_regress.widget ' ,
' fixtures_regress.widgetproxy ' ,
format = ' json ' ,
stdout = stdout
self . assertEqual (
stdout . getvalue ( ) ,
""" [ { " pk " : 1, " model " : " fixtures_regress.widget " , " fields " : { " name " : " grommet " }}] """
class NaturalKeyFixtureTests ( TestCase ) :
def assertRaisesMessage ( self , exc , msg , func , * args , * * kwargs ) :
try :
func ( * args , * * kwargs )
except Exception , e :
self . assertEqual ( msg , str ( e ) )
self . assertTrue ( isinstance ( e , exc ) , " Expected %s , got %s " % ( exc , type ( e ) ) )
def test_nk_deserialize ( self ) :
Test for ticket #13030 - Python based parser version
natural keys deserialize with fk to inheriting model
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' model-inheritance.json ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' nk-inheritance.json ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
self . assertEqual (
NKChild . objects . get ( pk = 1 ) . data ,
' apple '
self . assertEqual (
RefToNKChild . objects . get ( pk = 1 ) . nk_fk . data ,
' apple '
def test_nk_deserialize_xml ( self ) :
Test for ticket #13030 - XML version
natural keys deserialize with fk to inheriting model
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' model-inheritance.json ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' nk-inheritance.json ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' nk-inheritance2.xml ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
self . assertEqual (
NKChild . objects . get ( pk = 2 ) . data ,
' banana '
self . assertEqual (
RefToNKChild . objects . get ( pk = 2 ) . nk_fk . data ,
' apple '
def test_nk_on_serialize ( self ) :
Check that natural key requirements are taken into account
when serializing models
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' forward_ref_lookup.json ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
stdout = StringIO ( )
management . call_command (
' dumpdata ' ,
' fixtures_regress.book ' ,
' fixtures_regress.person ' ,
' fixtures_regress.store ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
format = ' json ' ,
use_natural_keys = True ,
stdout = stdout ,
self . assertEqual (
stdout . getvalue ( ) ,
""" [ { " pk " : 2, " model " : " fixtures_regress.store " , " fields " : { " name " : " Amazon " }}, { " pk " : 3, " model " : " fixtures_regress.store " , " fields " : { " name " : " Borders " }}, { " pk " : 4, " model " : " fixtures_regress.person " , " fields " : { " name " : " Neal Stephenson " }}, { " pk " : 1, " model " : " fixtures_regress.book " , " fields " : { " stores " : [[ " Amazon " ], [ " Borders " ]], " name " : " Cryptonomicon " , " author " : [ " Neal Stephenson " ]}}] """
def test_dependency_sorting ( self ) :
Now lets check the dependency sorting explicitly
It doesn ' t matter what order you mention the models
Store * must * be serialized before then Person , and both
must be serialized before Book .
sorted_deps = sort_dependencies (
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Book , Person , Store ] ) ]
self . assertEqual (
sorted_deps ,
[ Store , Person , Book ]
def test_dependency_sorting_2 ( self ) :
sorted_deps = sort_dependencies (
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Book , Store , Person ] ) ]
self . assertEqual (
sorted_deps ,
[ Store , Person , Book ]
def test_dependency_sorting_3 ( self ) :
sorted_deps = sort_dependencies (
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Store , Book , Person ] ) ]
self . assertEqual (
sorted_deps ,
[ Store , Person , Book ]
def test_dependency_sorting_4 ( self ) :
sorted_deps = sort_dependencies (
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Store , Person , Book ] ) ]
self . assertEqual (
sorted_deps ,
[ Store , Person , Book ]
def test_dependency_sorting_5 ( self ) :
sorted_deps = sort_dependencies (
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Person , Book , Store ] ) ]
self . assertEqual (
sorted_deps ,
[ Store , Person , Book ]
def test_dependency_sorting_6 ( self ) :
sorted_deps = sort_dependencies (
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Person , Store , Book ] ) ]
self . assertEqual (
sorted_deps ,
[ Store , Person , Book ]
def test_dependency_sorting_dangling ( self ) :
sorted_deps = sort_dependencies (
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Person , Circle1 , Store , Book ] ) ]
self . assertEqual (
sorted_deps ,
[ Circle1 , Store , Person , Book ]
def test_dependency_sorting_tight_circular ( self ) :
self . assertRaisesMessage (
CommandError ,
""" Can ' t resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle1, fixtures_regress.Circle2 in serialized app list. """ ,
sort_dependencies ,
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Person , Circle2 , Circle1 , Store , Book ] ) ] ,
def test_dependency_sorting_tight_circular_2 ( self ) :
self . assertRaisesMessage (
CommandError ,
""" Can ' t resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle1, fixtures_regress.Circle2 in serialized app list. """ ,
sort_dependencies ,
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Circle1 , Book , Circle2 ] ) ] ,
def test_dependency_self_referential ( self ) :
self . assertRaisesMessage (
CommandError ,
""" Can ' t resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle3 in serialized app list. """ ,
sort_dependencies ,
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Book , Circle3 ] ) ] ,
def test_dependency_sorting_long ( self ) :
self . assertRaisesMessage (
CommandError ,
""" Can ' t resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle1, fixtures_regress.Circle2, fixtures_regress.Circle3 in serialized app list. """ ,
sort_dependencies ,
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Person , Circle2 , Circle1 , Circle3 , Store , Book ] ) ] ,
def test_dependency_sorting_normal ( self ) :
sorted_deps = sort_dependencies (
[ ( ' fixtures_regress ' , [ Person , ExternalDependency , Book ] ) ]
self . assertEqual (
sorted_deps ,
[ Person , Book , ExternalDependency ]
def test_normal_pk ( self ) :
Check that normal primary keys still work
on a model with natural key capabilities
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' non_natural_1.json ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' forward_ref_lookup.json ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
management . call_command (
' loaddata ' ,
' non_natural_2.xml ' ,
verbosity = 0 ,
commit = False
books = Book . objects . all ( )
self . assertEqual (
books . __repr__ ( ) ,
""" [<Book: Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson (available at Amazon, Borders)>, <Book: Ender ' s Game by Orson Scott Card (available at Collins Bookstore)>, <Book: Permutation City by Greg Egan (available at Angus and Robertson)>] """