mirror of https://github.com/django/django.git synced 2025-03-12 02:12:38 +00:00

Fixed #683 -- Lightly refactored meta.fields.Field to add an attname attribute.

git-svn-id: http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk@1150 bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
This commit is contained in:
Adrian Holovaty 2005-11-09 23:37:41 +00:00
parent aae50fcce0
commit 2ef937d0fd
5 changed files with 94 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ def change_list(request, app_label, module_name):
((lookup_val is None and ' class="selected"' or ''),
get_query_string(params, {}, [lookup_kwarg])))
for val in lookup_choices:
pk_val = getattr(val, f.rel.to.pk.column)
pk_val = getattr(val, f.rel.to.pk.attname)
filter_template.append('<li%s><a href="%s">%r</a></li>\n' % \
((lookup_val == str(pk_val) and ' class="selected"' or ''),
get_query_string(params, {lookup_kwarg: pk_val}), val))
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ def change_list(request, app_label, module_name):
# Result rows.
pk = lookup_opts.pk.name
pk = lookup_opts.pk.attname
for i, result in enumerate(result_list):
raw_template.append('<tr class="row%s">\n' % (i % 2 + 1))
for j, field_name in enumerate(lookup_opts.admin.list_display):
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ def change_list(request, app_label, module_name):
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
field_val = getattr(result, f.column)
field_val = getattr(result, f.attname)
# Foreign-key fields are special: Use the repr of the
# related object.
if isinstance(f.rel, meta.ManyToOne):
@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ def add_stage(request, app_label, module_name, show_delete=False, form_url='', p
new_data.setlist(f.name, new_data[f.name].split(","))
new_object = manipulator.save(new_data)
pk_value = getattr(new_object, opts.pk.column)
pk_value = getattr(new_object, opts.pk.attname)
log.log_action(request.user.id, opts.get_content_type_id(), pk_value, repr(new_object), log.ADDITION)
msg = 'The %s "%s" was added successfully.' % (opts.verbose_name, new_object)
# Here, we distinguish between different save types by checking for
@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ def change_stage(request, app_label, module_name, object_id):
new_data.setlist(f.name, new_data[f.name].split(","))
new_object = manipulator.save(new_data)
pk_value = getattr(new_object, opts.pk.column)
pk_value = getattr(new_object, opts.pk.attname)
# Construct the change message.
change_message = []
@ -925,19 +925,19 @@ def change_stage(request, app_label, module_name, object_id):
new_data = {}
obj = manipulator.original_object
for f in opts.fields:
new_data.update(_get_flattened_data(f, getattr(obj, f.column)))
new_data.update(_get_flattened_data(f, getattr(obj, f.attname)))
for f in opts.many_to_many:
get_list_func = getattr(obj, 'get_%s_list' % f.rel.singular)
if f.rel.raw_id_admin:
new_data[f.name] = ",".join([str(getattr(i, f.rel.to.pk.column)) for i in get_list_func()])
new_data[f.name] = ",".join([str(getattr(i, f.rel.to.pk.attname)) for i in get_list_func()])
elif not f.rel.edit_inline:
new_data[f.name] = [getattr(i, f.rel.to.pk.column) for i in get_list_func()]
new_data[f.name] = [getattr(i, f.rel.to.pk.attname) for i in get_list_func()]
for rel_obj, rel_field in inline_related_objects:
var_name = rel_obj.object_name.lower()
for i, rel_instance in enumerate(getattr(obj, 'get_%s_list' % opts.get_rel_object_method_name(rel_obj, rel_field))()):
for f in rel_obj.fields:
if f.editable and f != rel_field:
for k, v in _get_flattened_data(f, getattr(rel_instance, f.column)).items():
for k, v in _get_flattened_data(f, getattr(rel_instance, f.attname)).items():
new_data['%s.%d.%s' % (var_name, i, k)] = v
for f in rel_obj.many_to_many:
new_data['%s.%d.%s' % (var_name, i, f.column)] = [j.id for j in getattr(rel_instance, 'get_%s_list' % f.rel.singular)()]
@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ def _get_deleted_objects(deleted_objects, perms_needed, user, obj, opts, current
# Display a link to the admin page.
nh(deleted_objects, current_depth, ['%s: <a href="../../../../%s/%s/%s/">%r</a>' % \
(capfirst(rel_opts.verbose_name), rel_opts.app_label, rel_opts.module_name,
getattr(sub_obj, rel_opts.pk.column), sub_obj), []])
getattr(sub_obj, rel_opts.pk.attname), sub_obj), []])
_get_deleted_objects(deleted_objects, perms_needed, user, sub_obj, rel_opts, current_depth+2)
has_related_objs = False

View File

@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ def method_init(opts, self, *args, **kwargs):
except KeyError:
# Object instance wasn't passed in -- must be an ID.
val = kwargs.pop(f.column)
val = kwargs.pop(f.attname)
except KeyError:
val = f.get_default()
@ -760,17 +760,17 @@ def method_init(opts, self, *args, **kwargs):
val = getattr(rel_obj, f.rel.field_name)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError, "Invalid value: %r should be a %s instance, not a %s" % (f.name, f.rel.to, type(rel_obj))
setattr(self, f.column, val)
setattr(self, f.attname, val)
val = kwargs.pop(f.name, f.get_default())
setattr(self, f.name, val)
val = kwargs.pop(f.attname, f.get_default())
setattr(self, f.attname, val)
if kwargs:
raise TypeError, "'%s' is an invalid keyword argument for this function" % kwargs.keys()[0]
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
setattr(self, opts.fields[i].column, arg)
setattr(self, opts.fields[i].attname, arg)
def method_eq(opts, self, other):
return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and getattr(self, opts.pk.column) == getattr(other, opts.pk.column)
return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and getattr(self, opts.pk.attname) == getattr(other, opts.pk.attname)
def method_save(opts, self):
# Run any pre-save hooks.
@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ def method_save(opts, self):
cursor = db.db.cursor()
# First, try an UPDATE. If that doesn't update anything, do an INSERT.
pk_val = getattr(self, opts.pk.column)
pk_val = getattr(self, opts.pk.attname)
pk_set = bool(pk_val)
record_exists = True
if pk_set:
@ -788,33 +788,33 @@ def method_save(opts, self):
cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s LIMIT 1" % (opts.db_table, opts.pk.column), [pk_val])
# If it does already exist, do an UPDATE.
if cursor.fetchone():
db_values = [f.get_db_prep_save(f.pre_save(getattr(self, f.column), False)) for f in non_pks]
db_values = [f.get_db_prep_save(f.pre_save(getattr(self, f.attname), False)) for f in non_pks]
cursor.execute("UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s=%%s" % (opts.db_table,
','.join(['%s=%%s' % f.column for f in non_pks]), opts.pk.column),
','.join(['%s=%%s' % f.column for f in non_pks]), opts.pk.attname),
db_values + [pk_val])
record_exists = False
if not pk_set or not record_exists:
field_names = [f.column for f in opts.fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField)]
placeholders = ['%s'] * len(field_names)
db_values = [f.get_db_prep_save(f.pre_save(getattr(self, f.column), True)) for f in opts.fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField)]
db_values = [f.get_db_prep_save(f.pre_save(getattr(self, f.attname), True)) for f in opts.fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField)]
if opts.order_with_respect_to:
# TODO: This assumes the database supports subqueries.
placeholders.append('(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE %s = %%s)' % \
(opts.db_table, opts.order_with_respect_to.column))
db_values.append(getattr(self, opts.order_with_respect_to.column))
db_values.append(getattr(self, opts.order_with_respect_to.attname))
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (opts.db_table,
','.join(field_names), ','.join(placeholders)), db_values)
if opts.has_auto_field:
setattr(self, opts.pk.column, db.get_last_insert_id(cursor, opts.db_table, opts.pk.column))
setattr(self, opts.pk.attname, db.get_last_insert_id(cursor, opts.db_table, opts.pk.column))
# Run any post-save hooks.
if hasattr(self, '_post_save'):
def method_delete(opts, self):
assert getattr(self, opts.pk.column) is not None, "%r can't be deleted because it doesn't have an ID."
assert getattr(self, opts.pk.attname) is not None, "%r can't be deleted because it doesn't have an ID."
# Run any pre-delete hooks.
if hasattr(self, '_pre_delete'):
@ -833,15 +833,15 @@ def method_delete(opts, self):
for rel_opts, rel_field in opts.get_all_related_many_to_many_objects():
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s_id=%%s" % (rel_field.get_m2m_db_table(rel_opts),
self._meta.object_name.lower()), [getattr(self, opts.pk.column)])
self._meta.object_name.lower()), [getattr(self, opts.pk.attname)])
for f in opts.many_to_many:
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s_id=%%s" % (f.get_m2m_db_table(opts), self._meta.object_name.lower()),
[getattr(self, opts.pk.column)])
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s" % (opts.db_table, opts.pk.column), [getattr(self, opts.pk.column)])
[getattr(self, opts.pk.attname)])
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s" % (opts.db_table, opts.pk.column), [getattr(self, opts.pk.attname)])
setattr(self, opts.pk.column, None)
setattr(self, opts.pk.attname, None)
for f in opts.fields:
if isinstance(f, FileField) and getattr(self, f.column):
if isinstance(f, FileField) and getattr(self, f.attname):
file_name = getattr(self, 'get_%s_filename' % f.name)()
# If the file exists and no other object of this type references it,
# delete it from the filesystem.
@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ def method_get_next_in_order(opts, order_field, self):
self._next_in_order_cache = opts.get_model_module().get_object(order_by=('_order',),
where=['_order > (SELECT _order FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s)' % (opts.db_table, opts.pk.column),
'%s=%%s' % order_field.column], limit=1,
params=[getattr(self, opts.pk.column), getattr(self, order_field.column)])
params=[getattr(self, opts.pk.attname), getattr(self, order_field.attname)])
return self._next_in_order_cache
def method_get_previous_in_order(opts, order_field, self):
@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ def method_get_previous_in_order(opts, order_field, self):
self._previous_in_order_cache = opts.get_model_module().get_object(order_by=('-_order',),
where=['_order < (SELECT _order FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s)' % (opts.db_table, opts.pk.column),
'%s=%%s' % order_field.column], limit=1,
params=[getattr(self, opts.pk.column), getattr(self, order_field.column)])
params=[getattr(self, opts.pk.attname), getattr(self, order_field.attname)])
return self._previous_in_order_cache
# RELATIONSHIP METHODS #####################
@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ def method_get_previous_in_order(opts, order_field, self):
def method_get_many_to_one(field_with_rel, self):
cache_var = field_with_rel.get_cache_name()
if not hasattr(self, cache_var):
val = getattr(self, field_with_rel.column)
val = getattr(self, field_with_rel.attname)
mod = field_with_rel.rel.to.get_model_module()
if val is None:
raise getattr(mod, '%sDoesNotExist' % field_with_rel.rel.to.object_name)
@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ def method_get_many_to_many(field_with_rel, self):
field_with_rel.get_m2m_db_table(self._meta), rel.pk.column,
rel.object_name.lower(), self._meta.object_name.lower(), rel.get_order_sql('a'))
cursor = db.db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, [getattr(self, self._meta.pk.column)])
cursor.execute(sql, [getattr(self, self._meta.pk.attname)])
setattr(self, cache_var, [getattr(mod, rel.object_name)(*row) for row in cursor.fetchall()])
return getattr(self, cache_var)
@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ def method_set_many_to_many(rel_field, self, id_list):
rel = rel_field.rel.to
m2m_table = rel_field.get_m2m_db_table(self._meta)
cursor = db.db.cursor()
this_id = getattr(self, self._meta.pk.column)
this_id = getattr(self, self._meta.pk.attname)
if ids_to_delete:
sql = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s_id = %%s AND %s_id IN (%s)" % (m2m_table, self._meta.object_name.lower(), rel.object_name.lower(), ','.join(map(str, ids_to_delete)))
cursor.execute(sql, [this_id])
@ -941,11 +941,11 @@ def method_get_related(method_name, rel_mod, rel_field, self, **kwargs):
# Handles adding related objects.
# Example: Poll.add_choice()
def method_add_related(rel_obj, rel_mod, rel_field, self, *args, **kwargs):
init_kwargs = dict(zip([f.name for f in rel_obj.fields if f != rel_field and not isinstance(f, AutoField)], args))
init_kwargs = dict(zip([f.attname for f in rel_obj.fields if f != rel_field and not isinstance(f, AutoField)], args))
for f in rel_obj.fields:
if isinstance(f, AutoField):
init_kwargs[f.name] = None
init_kwargs[f.attname] = None
init_kwargs[rel_field.name] = self
obj = rel_mod.Klass(**init_kwargs)
@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ def method_add_related(rel_obj, rel_mod, rel_field, self, *args, **kwargs):
# Handles related many-to-many object retrieval.
# Examples: Album.get_song(), Album.get_song_list(), Album.get_song_count()
def method_get_related_many_to_many(method_name, opts, rel_mod, rel_field, self, **kwargs):
kwargs['%s__%s__exact' % (rel_field.name, opts.pk.name)] = getattr(self, opts.pk.column)
kwargs['%s__%s__exact' % (rel_field.name, opts.pk.name)] = getattr(self, opts.pk.attname)
return getattr(rel_mod, method_name)(**kwargs)
# Handles setting many-to-many related objects.
@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ def method_set_related_many_to_many(rel_opts, rel_field, self, id_list):
id_list = map(int, id_list) # normalize to integers
rel = rel_field.rel.to
m2m_table = rel_field.get_m2m_db_table(rel_opts)
this_id = getattr(self, self._meta.pk.column)
this_id = getattr(self, self._meta.pk.attname)
cursor = db.db.cursor()
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s_id = %%s" % (m2m_table, rel.object_name.lower()), [this_id])
sql = "INSERT INTO %s (%s_id, %s_id) VALUES (%%s, %%s)" % (m2m_table, rel.object_name.lower(), rel_opts.object_name.lower())
@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ def method_get_order(ordered_obj, self):
def method_get_next_or_previous(get_object_func, field, is_next, self, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('where', []).append('%s %s %%s' % (field.column, (is_next and '>' or '<')))
kwargs.setdefault('params', []).append(str(getattr(self, field.name)))
kwargs.setdefault('params', []).append(str(getattr(self, field.attname)))
kwargs['order_by'] = [(not is_next and '-' or '') + field.name]
kwargs['limit'] = 1
return get_object_func(**kwargs)
@ -1000,18 +1000,18 @@ def method_get_next_or_previous(get_object_func, field, is_next, self, **kwargs)
# CHOICE-RELATED METHODS ###################
def method_get_display_value(field, self):
value = getattr(self, field.column)
value = getattr(self, field.attname)
return dict(field.choices).get(value, value)
# FILE-RELATED METHODS #####################
def method_get_file_filename(field, self):
return os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, getattr(self, field.name))
return os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, getattr(self, field.attname))
def method_get_file_url(field, self):
if getattr(self, field.name): # value is not blank
if getattr(self, field.attname): # value is not blank
import urlparse
return urlparse.urljoin(settings.MEDIA_URL, getattr(self, field.name)).replace('\\', '/')
return urlparse.urljoin(settings.MEDIA_URL, getattr(self, field.attname)).replace('\\', '/')
return ''
def method_get_file_size(field, self):
@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ def method_save_file(field, self, filename, raw_contents):
filename = filename[:dot_index] + '_' + filename[dot_index:]
# Write the file to disk.
setattr(self, field.name, filename)
setattr(self, field.attname, filename)
fp = open(getattr(self, 'get_%s_filename' % field.name)(), 'wb')
@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ def function_get_in_bulk(opts, klass, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['where'] = ["%s.%s IN (%s)" % (opts.db_table, opts.pk.column, ",".join(['%s'] * len(id_list)))]
kwargs['params'] = id_list
obj_list = function_get_list(opts, klass, **kwargs)
return dict([(getattr(o, opts.pk.column), o) for o in obj_list])
return dict([(getattr(o, opts.pk.attname), o) for o in obj_list])
def function_get_latest(opts, klass, does_not_exist_exception, **kwargs):
kwargs['order_by'] = ('-' + opts.get_latest_by,)
@ -1433,8 +1433,8 @@ def manipulator_init(opts, add, change, self, obj_key=None):
lookup_kwargs = opts.one_to_one_field.rel.limit_choices_to
lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' % opts.one_to_one_field.rel.field_name] = obj_key
_ = opts.one_to_one_field.rel.to.get_model_module().get_object(**lookup_kwargs)
params = dict([(f.column, f.get_default()) for f in opts.fields])
params[opts.pk.column] = obj_key
params = dict([(f.attname, f.get_default()) for f in opts.fields])
params[opts.pk.attname] = obj_key
self.original_object = opts.get_model_module().Klass(**params)
@ -1470,12 +1470,12 @@ def manipulator_save(opts, klass, add, change, self, new_data):
# Fields with auto_now_add are another special case; they should keep
# their original value in the change stage.
if change and getattr(f, 'auto_now_add', False):
params[f.column] = getattr(self.original_object, f.name)
params[f.attname] = getattr(self.original_object, f.attname)
params[f.column] = f.get_manipulator_new_data(new_data)
params[f.attname] = f.get_manipulator_new_data(new_data)
if change:
params[opts.pk.column] = self.obj_key
params[opts.pk.attname] = self.obj_key
# First, save the basic object itself.
new_object = klass(**params)
@ -1490,7 +1490,7 @@ def manipulator_save(opts, klass, add, change, self, new_data):
if change:
self.fields_added, self.fields_changed, self.fields_deleted = [], [], []
for f in opts.fields:
if not f.primary_key and str(getattr(self.original_object, f.column)) != str(getattr(new_object, f.column)):
if not f.primary_key and str(getattr(self.original_object, f.attname)) != str(getattr(new_object, f.attname)):
# Save many-to-many objects. Example: Poll.set_sites()
@ -1526,7 +1526,7 @@ def manipulator_save(opts, klass, add, change, self, new_data):
old_rel_obj = None
if rel_new_data[rel_opts.pk.name][0]:
old_rel_obj = getattr(self.original_object, 'get_%s' % opts.get_rel_object_method_name(rel_opts, rel_field))(**{'%s__exact' % rel_opts.pk.name: rel_new_data[rel_opts.pk.name][0]})
old_rel_obj = getattr(self.original_object, 'get_%s' % opts.get_rel_object_method_name(rel_opts, rel_field))(**{'%s__exact' % rel_opts.pk.name: rel_new_data[rel_opts.pk.attname][0]})
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
@ -1540,16 +1540,16 @@ def manipulator_save(opts, klass, add, change, self, new_data):
# given, use a default value. FileFields are also a special
# case, because they'll be dealt with later.
if change and (isinstance(f, FileField) or not f.editable):
if rel_new_data.get(rel_opts.pk.name, False) and rel_new_data[rel_opts.pk.name][0]:
params[f.column] = getattr(old_rel_obj, f.column)
if rel_new_data.get(rel_opts.pk.attname, False) and rel_new_data[rel_opts.pk.attname][0]:
params[f.attname] = getattr(old_rel_obj, f.attname)
params[f.column] = f.get_default()
params[f.attname] = f.get_default()
elif f == rel_field:
params[f.column] = getattr(new_object, rel_field.rel.field_name)
params[f.attname] = getattr(new_object, rel_field.rel.field_name)
elif add and isinstance(f, AutoField):
params[f.column] = None
params[f.attname] = None
params[f.column] = f.get_manipulator_new_data(rel_new_data, rel=True)
params[f.attname] = f.get_manipulator_new_data(rel_new_data, rel=True)
# Related links are a special case, because we have to
# manually set the "content_type_id" and "object_id" fields.
if opts.has_related_links and rel_opts.module_name == 'relatedlinks':
@ -1566,7 +1566,7 @@ def manipulator_save(opts, klass, add, change, self, new_data):
# Save any uploaded files.
for f in rel_opts.fields:
if isinstance(f, FileField) and rel_new_data.get(f.name, False):
if isinstance(f, FileField) and rel_new_data.get(f.attname, False):
f.save_file(rel_new_data, new_rel_obj, change and old_rel_obj or None, old_rel_obj is not None, rel=True)
# Calculate whether any fields have changed.
@ -1575,19 +1575,19 @@ def manipulator_save(opts, klass, add, change, self, new_data):
self.fields_added.append('%s "%r"' % (rel_opts.verbose_name, new_rel_obj))
for f in rel_opts.fields:
if not f.primary_key and f != rel_field and str(getattr(old_rel_obj, f.column)) != str(getattr(new_rel_obj, f.column)):
if not f.primary_key and f != rel_field and str(getattr(old_rel_obj, f.attname)) != str(getattr(new_rel_obj, f.attname)):
self.fields_changed.append('%s for %s "%r"' % (f.verbose_name, rel_opts.verbose_name, new_rel_obj))
# Save many-to-many objects.
for f in rel_opts.many_to_many:
if not f.rel.edit_inline:
was_changed = getattr(new_rel_obj, 'set_%s' % f.name)(rel_new_data[f.name])
was_changed = getattr(new_rel_obj, 'set_%s' % f.name)(rel_new_data[f.attname])
if change and was_changed:
self.fields_changed.append('%s for %s "%s"' % (f.verbose_name, rel_opts.verbose_name, new_rel_obj))
# If, in the change stage, all of the core fields were blank and
# the primary key (ID) was provided, delete the item.
if change and all_cores_blank and rel_new_data.has_key(rel_opts.pk.name) and rel_new_data[rel_opts.pk.name][0]:
if change and all_cores_blank and rel_new_data.has_key(rel_opts.pk.attname) and rel_new_data[rel_opts.pk.attname][0]:
self.fields_deleted.append('%s "%r"' % (rel_opts.verbose_name, old_rel_obj))
@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@ def manipulator_validator_unique_together(field_name_list, opts, self, field_dat
kwargs = {'%s__iexact' % field_name_list[0]: field_data}
for f in field_list[1:]:
field_val = all_data.get(f.column, None)
field_val = all_data.get(f.attname, None)
if field_val is None:
# This will be caught by another validator, assuming the field
# doesn't have blank=True.
@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ def manipulator_validator_unique_together(field_name_list, opts, self, field_dat
old_obj = mod.get_object(**kwargs)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
if hasattr(self, 'original_object') and getattr(self.original_object, opts.pk.column) == getattr(old_obj, opts.pk.column):
if hasattr(self, 'original_object') and getattr(self.original_object, opts.pk.attname) == getattr(old_obj, opts.pk.attname):
raise validators.ValidationError, "%s with this %s already exists for the given %s." % \
@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ def manipulator_validator_unique_for_date(from_field, date_field, opts, lookup_t
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
if hasattr(self, 'original_object') and getattr(self.original_object, opts.pk.column) == getattr(old_obj, opts.pk.column):
if hasattr(self, 'original_object') and getattr(self.original_object, opts.pk.attname) == getattr(old_obj, opts.pk.attname):
format_string = (lookup_type == 'date') and '%B %d, %Y' or '%B %Y'

View File

@ -55,10 +55,26 @@ def manipulator_validator_unique(f, opts, self, field_data, all_data):
old_obj = opts.get_model_module().get_object(**{'%s__%s' % (f.name, lookup_type): field_data})
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
if hasattr(self, 'original_object') and getattr(self.original_object, opts.pk.column) == getattr(old_obj, opts.pk.column):
if hasattr(self, 'original_object') and getattr(self.original_object, opts.pk.attname) == getattr(old_obj, opts.pk.attname):
raise validators.ValidationError, "%s with this %s already exists." % (capfirst(opts.verbose_name), f.verbose_name)
# A guide to Field parameters:
# * name: The name of the field specifed in the model.
# * attname: The attribute to use on the model object. This is the same as
# "name", except in the case of ForeignKeys, where "_id" is
# appended.
# * db_column: The db_column specified in the model (or None).
# * column: The database column for this field. This is the same as
# "attname", except if db_column is specified.
# Code that introspects values, or does other dynamic things, should use
# attname. For example, this gets the primary key value of object "obj":
# getattr(obj, opts.pk.attname)
class Field(object):
# Designates whether empty strings fundamentally are allowed at the
@ -110,19 +126,20 @@ class Field(object):
self.creation_counter = Field.creation_counter
Field.creation_counter += 1
# Set the name of the database column.
self.column = self.get_db_column()
self.attname, self.column = self.get_attname_column()
def set_name(self, name):
self.name = name
self.verbose_name = self.verbose_name or name.replace('_', ' ')
self.column = self.get_db_column()
self.attname, self.column = self.get_attname_column()
def get_db_column(self):
if self.db_column: return self.db_column
def get_attname_column(self):
if isinstance(self.rel, ManyToOne):
return '%s_id' % self.name
return self.name
attname = '%s_id' % self.name
attname = self.name
column = self.db_column or attname
return attname, column
def get_cache_name(self):
return '_%s_cache' % self.name
@ -277,7 +294,7 @@ class Field(object):
if self.choices:
return first_choice + list(self.choices)
rel_obj = self.rel.to
return first_choice + [(getattr(x, rel_obj.pk.column), repr(x)) for x in rel_obj.get_model_module().get_list(**self.rel.limit_choices_to)]
return first_choice + [(getattr(x, rel_obj.pk.attname), repr(x)) for x in rel_obj.get_model_module().get_list(**self.rel.limit_choices_to)]
class AutoField(Field):
empty_strings_allowed = False

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class Permission(meta.Model):
ordering = ('package', 'codename')
def __repr__(self):
return "%s | %s" % (self.package, self.name)
return "%s | %s" % (self.package_id, self.name)
class Group(meta.Model):
name = meta.CharField(_('name'), maxlength=80, unique=True)
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class User(meta.Model):
def get_all_permissions(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_perm_cache'):
import sets
self._perm_cache = sets.Set(["%s.%s" % (p.package, p.codename) for p in self.get_permission_list()])
self._perm_cache = sets.Set(["%s.%s" % (p.package_id, p.codename) for p in self.get_permission_list()])
return self._perm_cache

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@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ class ContentType(meta.Model):
unique_together = (('package', 'python_module_name'),)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s | %s" % (self.package, self.name)
return "%s | %s" % (self.package_id, self.name)
def get_model_module(self):
"Returns the Python model module for accessing this type of content."
return __import__('django.models.%s.%s' % (self.package, self.python_module_name), '', '', [''])
return __import__('django.models.%s.%s' % (self.package_id, self.python_module_name), '', '', [''])
def get_object_for_this_type(self, **kwargs):