mirror of https://github.com/django/django.git synced 2025-03-24 16:20:46 +00:00

Improved 'django-admin inspectdb' so that it detects ForeignKey relationships -- PostgreSQL only

git-svn-id: http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk@395 bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
This commit is contained in:
Adrian Holovaty 2005-08-02 22:33:39 +00:00
parent c0451036ac
commit f4e4ae96cb
6 changed files with 55 additions and 9 deletions

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def main():
for line in ACTION_MAPPING[action](param):
print line
except NotImplementedError:
sys.stderr.write("Error: %r isn't supported for the currently selected database backend." % action)
sys.stderr.write("Error: %r isn't supported for the currently selected database backend.\n" % action)
elif action in ('startapp', 'startproject'):

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ get_last_insert_id = dbmod.get_last_insert_id
get_date_extract_sql = dbmod.get_date_extract_sql
get_date_trunc_sql = dbmod.get_date_trunc_sql
get_table_list = dbmod.get_table_list
get_relations = dbmod.get_relations

@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ def get_table_list(cursor):
cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES")
return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
def get_relations(cursor, table_name):
raise NotImplementedError
'exact': '=',
'iexact': 'LIKE',

@ -82,6 +82,27 @@ def get_table_list(cursor):
AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)""")
return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
def get_relations(cursor, table_name):
Returns a dictionary of {field_index: (field_index_other_table, other_table)}
representing all relationships to the given table. Indexes are 0-based.
SELECT con.conkey, con.confkey, c2.relname
FROM pg_constraint con, pg_class c1, pg_class c2
WHERE c1.oid = con.conrelid
AND c2.oid = con.confrelid
AND c1.relname = %s
AND con.contype = 'f'""", [table_name])
relations = {}
for row in cursor.fetchall():
# row[0] and row[1] are like "{2}", so strip the curly braces.
relations[int(row[0][1:-1]) - 1] = (int(row[1][1:-1]) - 1, row[2])
except ValueError:
return relations
# Register these custom typecasts, because Django expects dates/times to be
# in Python's native (standard-library) datetime/time format, whereas psycopg
# use mx.DateTime by default.

@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ def _sqlite_date_trunc(lookup_type, dt):
def get_table_list(cursor):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_relations(cursor, table_name):
raise NotImplementedError
# Operators and fields ########################################################

@ -434,22 +434,40 @@ def inspectdb(db_name):
"Generator that introspects the tables in the given database name and returns a Django model, one line at a time."
from django.core import db
from django.conf import settings
def table2model(table_name):
object_name = table_name.title().replace('_', '')
return object_name.endswith('s') and object_name[:-1] or object_name
settings.DATABASE_NAME = db_name
cursor = db.db.cursor()
yield "# This is an auto-generated Django model module."
yield "# You'll have to do the following manually to clean this up:"
yield "# * Rearrange models' order"
yield "# * Add primary_key=True to one field in each model."
yield "# Feel free to rename the models, but don't rename db_table values or field names."
yield ''
yield 'from django.core import meta'
yield ''
for table_name in db.get_table_list(cursor):
object_name = table_name.title().replace('_', '')
object_name = object_name.endswith('s') and object_name[:-1] or object_name
yield 'class %s(meta.Model):' % object_name
yield 'class %s(meta.Model):' % table2model(table_name)
yield ' db_table = %r' % table_name
yield ' fields = ('
relations = db.get_relations(cursor, table_name)
except NotImplementedError:
relations = {}
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 1" % table_name)
for row in cursor.description:
field_type = db.DATA_TYPES_REVERSE[row[1]]
field_desc = 'meta.%s(%r' % (field_type, row[0])
if field_type == 'CharField':
field_desc += ', maxlength=%s' % (row[3])
for i, row in enumerate(cursor.description):
if relations.has_key(i):
rel = relations[i]
rel_to = rel[1] == table_name and "'self'" or table2model(rel[1])
field_desc = 'meta.ForeignKey(%s, name=%r' % (rel_to, row[0])
field_type = db.DATA_TYPES_REVERSE[row[1]]
field_desc = 'meta.%s(%r' % (field_type, row[0])
if field_type == 'CharField':
field_desc += ', maxlength=%s' % (row[3])
yield ' %s),' % field_desc
yield ' )'
yield ''