* When some old files contain errors, the second call to
gen_filenames() should return them.
* When some new files contain errors, the first call to
gen_filenames(only_new=True) should return them.
Implemented __str__() to return the string-representation of the
proxied object, not the proxy itself, if the lazy object didn't have
a string-like object in its resultclasses.
The function no longer flushes zfile after each write as doing so can
lead to the gzipped streamed content being larger than the original
content; each flush adds a 5/6 byte type 0 block. Removing this means
buf.read() may return nothing, so only yield if that has some data.
Testing shows without the flush() the buffer is being flushed every 17k
or so and compresses the same as if it had been done as a whole string.
Refs #7261 -- Made strings escaped by Django usable in third-party libs.
The changes in mark_safe and mark_for_escaping are straightforward. The
more tricky part is to handle correctly objects that implement __html__.
Historically escape() has escaped SafeData. Even if that doesn't seem a
good behavior, changing it would create security concerns. Therefore
support for __html__() was only added to conditional_escape() where this
concern doesn't exist.
Then using conditional_escape() instead of escape() in the Django
template engine makes it understand data escaped by other libraries.
Template filter |escape accounts for __html__() when it's available.
|force_escape forces the use of Django's HTML escaping implementation.
Here's why the change in render_value_in_context() is safe. Before Django
1.7 conditional_escape() was implemented as follows:
if isinstance(text, SafeData):
return text
return escape(text)
render_value_in_context() never called escape() on SafeData. Therefore
replacing escape() with conditional_escape() doesn't change the
autoescaping logic as it was originally intended.
This change should be backported to Django 1.7 because it corrects a
feature added in Django 1.7.
Thanks mitsuhiko for the report.
mark_safe and mark_for_escaping should have been kept similar.
On Python 2 this change has no effect. On Python 3 it fixes the use case
shown in the regression test for mark_for_escaping, which used to raise
a TypeError. The regression test for mark_safe is just for completeness.
A field for storing periods of time - modeled in Python by timedelta. It
is stored in the native interval data type on PostgreSQL and as a bigint
of microseconds on other backends.
Also includes significant changes to the internals of time related maths
in expressions, including the removal of DateModifierNode.
Thanks to Tim and Josh in particular for reviews.
Added a test for the condition safe_join is designed to prevent.
Previously, a generic ValueError was raised. It was impossible to tell
an intentional exception raised to implement safe_join's contract from
an unintentional exception caused by incorrect inputs or unexpected
conditions. That resulted in bizarre exception catching patterns, which
this patch removes.
Since safe_join is a private API and since the change is unlikely to
create security issues for users who use it anyway -- at worst, an
uncaught SuspiciousFileOperation exception will bubble up -- it isn't