Tim Graham
Refs #23913 -- Removed support for a single equals sign in {% if %} tag.
Per deprecation timeline.
2015-09-23 19:31:11 -04:00
Tim Graham
Refs #13408 -- Made unpacking mismatch an exception in {% for %} tag per deprecation timeline.
2015-09-23 19:31:09 -04:00
Tim Graham
Refs #22384 -- Removed the ability to reverse URLs by dotted path per deprecation timeline.
2015-09-23 19:31:09 -04:00
Tim Graham
Refs #24451 -- Removed comma-separated {% cycle %} syntax per deprecation timeline.
2015-09-23 19:31:09 -04:00
Tim Graham
Refs #24022 -- Removed the ssi tag per deprecation timeline.
2015-09-23 19:31:09 -04:00
Tim Graham
Refs #22306 -- Removed cycle/firstof template tags from "future".
Per deprecation timeline.
2015-09-23 19:31:09 -04:00
Dave Smith
Fixed #25404 -- Added line numbers to TemplateSyntaxError strings.
This makes it much easier to diagnose a test failure when all
you have is the stack trace from an uncaught TemplateSyntaxError.
2015-09-15 12:25:13 -04:00
Dražen Odobašić
Fixed #23395 -- Limited line lengths to 119 characters.
2015-09-12 11:40:50 -04:00
Doug Beck
Fixed #24257 -- Corrected i18n handling of percent signs.
Refactored tests to use a sample project.
Updated extraction:
* Removed special handling of single percent signs.
* When extracting messages from template text, doubled all percent signs
so they are not interpreted by gettext as string format flags. All
strings extracted by gettext, if containing a percent sign, will now
be labeled "#, python-format".
Updated translation:
* Used "%%" for "%" in template text before calling gettext.
* Updated {% trans %} rendering to restore "%" from "%%".
2015-08-12 10:23:34 -04:00
Tim Graham
Refs #25236 -- Removed ifequal/ifnotequal usage.
2015-08-08 07:33:15 -04:00
Marten Kenbeek
Fixed #24127 -- Changed the default current_app to the current namespace.
Changed the url template tag to use request.resolver_match.namespace as a
default for the current_app argument if request.current_app is not set.
2015-07-27 09:14:48 -04:00
Luke Plant
Corrected HTML-escaping behaviour of url template tag.
Due to the URL encoding applied by the tag for all parameters that might be
partly controllable by an end-user, there are no XSS/security problems
caused by this bug, only invalid HTML.
2015-07-21 14:04:58 +01:00
Matthew Somerville
Fixed #21695 -- Added asvar option to blocktrans.
Thanks Bojan Mihelac for the initial patch.
2015-07-01 10:03:00 -04:00
Tim Graham
Renamed RemovedInDjangoXYWarnings for new roadmap.
Forwardport of ae1d663b7913f6da233c55409c4973248372d302
from stable/1.8.x plus more.
2015-06-24 16:08:20 -04:00
Matthew Somerville
Fixed #23516 -- Added caching of include tag Template objects
This also speeds up for loops that render the same template
multiple times.
2015-06-06 09:25:11 -04:00
Tomáš Ehrlich
Fixed #24230 -- Added translated language name for i18n template tag/filter.
2015-06-02 16:04:01 -04:00
Preston Timmons
Fixed #17085 , #24783 -- Refactored template library registration.
* Converted the ``libraries`` and ``builtins`` globals of
``django.template.base`` into properties of the Engine class.
* Added a public API for explicit registration of libraries and builtins.
2015-05-21 09:12:06 -05:00
Preston Timmons
Updated template tests to create their own engine.
This continues work to treat Django templates as a library.
2015-04-20 09:11:37 -05:00
Craig Oldford
Fixed #12199 -- Added the ability to use "as" with the firstof template tag.
2015-04-14 07:19:47 -04:00
Preston Timmons
Cleaned up the template debug implementation.
This patch does three major things:
* Merges the django.template.debug implementation into django.template.base.
* Simplifies the debug implementation.
The old implementation copied debug information to every token and node.
The django_template_source attribute was set in multiple places, some
quite hacky, like django.template.defaulttags.ForNode.
Debug information is now annotated in two high-level places:
* Template.compile_nodelist for errors during parsing
* Node.render_annotated for errors during rendering
These were chosen because they have access to the template and context
as well as to all exceptions that happen during either the parse or
render phase.
* Moves the contextual line traceback information creation from
django.views.debug into django.template.base.Template. The debug views now
only deal with the presentation of the debug information.
2015-03-20 08:58:07 -04:00
Tim Graham
Fixed #24451 -- Deprecated comma-separated {% cycle %} syntax.
2015-03-07 07:42:39 -05:00
Preston Timmons
Fixed #24372 - Replaced TokenParser usage with traditional parsing.
2015-03-02 18:25:28 -05:00
Preston Timmons
Moved ifchanged tests into syntax_tests/test_if_changed.py.
2015-02-24 14:00:02 +01:00
Preston Timmons
Moved cache tests into syntax_tests/test_cache.py.
2015-02-24 14:00:02 +01:00
Preston Timmons
Moved include tests into syntax_tests/test_include.py.
2015-02-24 14:00:02 +01:00
Preston Timmons
Moved ssi tests into syntax_tests/test_ssi.py.
2015-02-24 14:00:02 +01:00
Tim Graham
Refs #24324 -- Fixed Python 2 test failures when path to Django source contains non-ASCII characters.
2015-02-17 19:03:03 -05:00
Tim Graham
Sorted imports with isort; refs #23860 .
2015-02-06 08:16:28 -05:00
Tim Graham
Removed usage of deprecated removetags in a template test.
2015-01-18 18:32:47 -05:00
Tim Graham
Removed ssi/url tags from future per deprecation timeline; refs #21939 .
2015-01-17 13:29:52 -05:00
Tim Graham
Fixed test from refs #23913 when running tests in reverse.
2015-01-12 13:20:44 -05:00
Ola Sitarska
Fixed #23913 -- Deprecated the =
comparison in if
template tag.
2015-01-11 15:21:01 -05:00
Preston Timmons
Fixed #24022 -- Deprecated the ssi tag.
2015-01-05 19:35:02 -05:00
Claude Paroz
Applied ignore_warnings to Django tests
2014-12-30 18:16:25 +01:00
Aymeric Augustin
Isolated template tests from Django settings.
2014-12-28 16:23:01 +01:00
Tim Graham
Refs #23890 -- Restored silencing of numpy DeprecationWarnings in template tests.
2014-12-06 11:27:15 -05:00
Preston Timmons
Fixed #23958 -- Rewrote filter tests as unit tests.
2014-12-06 10:57:46 -05:00
Ramiro Morales
Converted recently refactored templates tests to SimpleTestCase.
These test methods don't need DB setup/teardown.
Refs #23768 and b872134b.
2014-12-03 18:56:46 -05:00
Berker Peksag
Fixed "no such test method" error in template_tests.
Without this patch, you couldn't run an individual test
case in template_tests.
Refs #23768
2014-12-03 13:04:23 +01:00
Preston Timmons
Fixed #23768 -- Rewrote template tests as unit tests.
2014-12-02 19:18:35 -05:00