===================================== Writing your first Django app, part 4 ===================================== By Adrian Holovaty This tutorial begins where `Tutorial 3`_ left off. We're continuing the Web-poll application and will focus on simple form processing and cutting down our code. Write a simple form =================== Let's update our poll detail template from the last tutorial, so that the template contains an HTML ``
`` element::

{{ poll.question }}

{% if error_message %}

{{ error_message }}

{% endif %} {% for choice in poll.get_choice_list %}
{% endfor %}
A quick rundown: * The above template displays a radio button for each poll choice. The ``value`` of each radio button is the associated poll choice's ID. The ``name`` of each radio button is ``"choice"``. That means, when somebody selects one of the radio buttons and submits the form, it'll send the POST data ``choice=3``. This is HTML Forms 101. * We set the form's ``action`` to ``/polls/{{ poll.id }}/vote/``, and we set ``method="post"``. Using ``method="post"`` (as opposed to ``method="get"``) is very important, because the act of submitting this form will alter data server-side. Whenever you create a form that alters data server-side, use ``method="post"``. This tip isn't specific to Django; it's just good Web development practice. Now, let's create a Django view that handles the submitted data and does something with it. Remember, in `Tutorial 3`_, we create a URLconf that included this line:: (r'^polls/(?P\d+)/vote/$', 'myproject.apps.polls.views.polls.vote'), So let's create a ``vote()`` function in ``myproject/apps/polls/views/polls.py``:: from django.core import template_loader from django.core.extensions import DjangoContext as Context from django.models.polls import choices, polls from django.utils.httpwrappers import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.core.exceptions import Http404 def vote(request, poll_id): try: p = polls.get_object(pk=poll_id) except polls.PollDoesNotExist: raise Http404 try: selected_choice = p.get_choice(pk=request.POST['choice']) except (KeyError, choices.ChoiceDoesNotExist): # Redisplay the poll voting form. t = template_loader.get_template('polls/detail') c = Context(request, { 'poll': p, 'error_message': "You didn't select a choice.", }) return HttpResponse(t.render(c)) else: selected_choice.votes += 1 selected_choice.save() # Always return an HttpResponseRedirect after successfully dealing # with POST data. This prevents data from being posted twice if a # user hits the Back button. return HttpResponseRedirect('/polls/%s/results/' % p.id) This code includes a few things we haven't covered yet in this tutorial: * ``request.POST`` is a dictionary-like object that lets you access submitted data by key name. In this case, ``request.POST['choice']`` returns the ID of the selected choice, as a string. ``request.POST`` values are always strings. Note that Django also provides ``request.GET`` for accessing GET data in the same way -- but we're explicitly using ``request.POST`` in our code, to ensure that data is only altered via a POST call. * ``request.POST['choice']`` will raise ``KeyError`` if ``choice`` wasn't provided in POST data. The above code checks for ``KeyError`` and redisplays the poll form with an error message if ``choice`` isn't given. * After incrementing the choice count, the code returns an ``HttpResponseRedirect`` rather than a normal ``HttpResponse``. ``HttpResponseRedirect`` takes a single argument: the URL to which the user will be redirected. You should leave off the "http://" and domain name if you can. That helps your app become portable across domains. As the Python comment above points out, you should always return an ``HttpResponseRedirect`` after successfully dealing with POST data. This tip isn't specific to Django; it's just good Web development practice. After somebody votes in a poll, the ``vote()`` view redirects to the results page for the poll. Let's write that view:: def results(request, poll_id): try: p = polls.get_object(pk=poll_id) except polls.PollDoesNotExist: raise Http404 t = template_loader.get_template('polls/results') c = Context(request, { 'poll': p, }) return HttpResponse(t.render(c)) This is almost exactly the same as the ``detail()`` view from `Tutorial 3`_. The only difference is the template name. We'll fix this redundancy later. Now, create a ``results.html`` template::

{{ poll.question }}

And edit the ``detail.html`` template to add this snippet toward the top of the page somewhere:: {% if error_message %}

{{ error_message }}

{% endif %} Now, go to ``/polls/1/`` in your browser and vote in the poll. You should see a results page that gets updated each time you vote. If you submit the form without having chosen a choice, you should see the error message. Use generic views: Less code is better ====================================== The ``detail()`` (from `Tutorial 3`_) and ``results()`` views are stupidly simple -- and, as mentioned above, redundant. The ``index()`` view (also from Tutorial 3), which displays a list of polls, is similar. These views represent a common case of basic Web development: getting data from the database according to a parameter passed in the URL, loading a template and returning the rendered template. Because this is so common, Django provides a shortcut, called the "generic views" system. Generic views abstract common patterns to the point where you don't even need to write Python code to write an app. Let's convert our poll app to use the generic views system, so we can delete a bunch of our own code. We'll just have to take a few steps to make the conversion. .. admonition:: Why the code-shuffle? Generally, when writing a Django app, you'll evaluate whether generic views are a good fit for your problem, and you'll use them from the beginning, rather than refactoring your code halfway through. But this tutorial intentionally has focused on writing the views "the hard way" until now, to focus on core concepts. You should know basic math before you start using a calculator. First, open the polls.py URLconf. It looks like this, according to the tutorial so far:: from django.conf.urls.defaults import * urlpatterns = patterns('myproject.apps.polls.views.polls', (r'^$', 'index'), (r'^(?P\d+)/$', 'detail'), (r'^(?P\d+)/results/$', 'results'), (r'^(?P\d+)/vote/$', 'vote'), ) Change it like so:: from django.conf.urls.defaults import * info_dict = { 'app_label': 'polls', 'module_name': 'polls', } urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list', info_dict), (r'^(?P\d+)/$', 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_detail', info_dict), (r'^(?P\d+)/results/$', 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_detail', dict(info_dict, template_name='polls/results')), (r'^(?P\d+)/vote/$', 'myproject.apps.polls.views.polls.vote'), ) We're using two generic views here: ``object_list`` and ``object_detail``. Respectively, those two views abstract the concepts of "display a list of objects" and "display a detail page for a particular type of object." * Each generic view needs to know which ``app_label`` and ``module_name`` it's acting on. Thus, we've defined ``info_dict``, a dictionary that's passed to each of the generic views via the third parameter to the URL tuples. * The ``object_detail`` generic view expects that the ID value captured from the URL is called ``"object_id"``, so we've changed ``poll_id`` to ``object_id`` for the generic views. By default, the ``object_detail`` generic view uses a template called ``/_detail``. In our case, it'll use the template ``"polls/polls_detail"``. Thus, rename your ``polls/detail.html`` template to ``polls/polls_detail``, and change the ``template_loader.get_template()`` line in ``vote()``. Similarly, the ``object_list`` generic view uses a template called ``/_detail``. Thus, rename ``polls/index.html`` to ``polls/polls_list.html``. Because we have more than one entry in the URLconf that uses ``object_detail`` for the polls app, we manually specify a template name for the results view: ``template_name='polls/results'``. Otherwise, both views would use the same template. Note that we use ``dict()`` to return an altered dictionary in place. The generic views pass ``object`` and ``object_list`` to their templates, so change your templates so that ``latest_poll_list`` becomes ``object_list`` and ``poll`` becomes ``object``. Finally, you can delete the ``index()``, ``detail()`` and ``results()`` views from ``polls/views/polls.py``. We don't need them anymore. For full details on generic views, see the `generic views documentation`_. .. _generic views documentation: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/generic_views/ Coming soon =========== The tutorial ends here for the time being. But check back soon for the next installments: * Advanced form processing * Using the RSS framework * Using the cache framework * Using the comments framework * Advanced admin features: Permissions * Advanced admin features: Custom JavaScript .. _Tutorial 3: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/tutorial3/