========== Django FAQ ========== General questions ================= Why does this project exist? ---------------------------- Django grew from a very practical need: in our fast-paced newsroom, we often have only a matter of hours to take a complicated Web application from concept to public launch. Django was designed to not only allow us to build Web applications quickly, but to allow us to build them right. Django would not be possible without a whole host of open-source projects -- `Apache`_, `Python`_, and `PostgreSQL`_ to name a few -- and we're thrilled to be able to give something back to the open-source community. .. _Apache: http://httpd.apache.org/ .. _Python: http://www.python.org/ .. _PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org/ What does "Django" mean, and how do you pronounce it? ----------------------------------------------------- Django is named after `Django Reinhardt`_, a gypsy jazz guitarist from the 1930s to early 1950s. To this day, he's considered one of the best guitarists of all time. Listen to his music. You'll like it. According to Wikipedia_, "Django is pronounced **zhane**-go (with a long 'a')." .. _Django Reinhardt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Django_Reinhardt .. _Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Django_Reinhardt Is Django stable? ----------------- We've been using Django for almost two years. Sites built on Django have weathered traffic spikes of over one million hits an hour, and at least one Slashdotting. Yes, it's quite stable. Does Django scale? ------------------ Yes. Compared to development time, hardware is cheap, and so Django is designed to take advantage of as much hardware as you can throw at it. Django ships with clean separation of the database layer from the application layer and a simple-yet-powerful `cache framework`_. .. _`cache framework`: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/cache/ Who's behind this? ------------------ Django was developed at `World Online`_, the Web department of a newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas, USA. `Adrian Holovaty`_ Adrian is a gypsy-jazz virtuoso, an amateur Beatles historian and a proud Chicagoan. He's also a pretty decent programmer, with a knack for whipping data into shape and putting it to work for the good of his fellow man. Adrian is the lead developer at World Online and the man behind the code at `chicagocrime.org`_. He lives in Chicago. `Simon Willison`_ Simon is a well-respected Web developer from England. He had a one-year internship at World Online, during which time he and Adrian developed Django from scratch. He's enthusiastic, he's passionate about best practices in Web development, and he really likes squirrels. Probably to a fault. He went back to university to finish his degree and is poised to continue doing big, exciting things on the Web. He lives in England. `Jacob Kaplan-Moss`_ Jacob is a whipper-snapper from California who spends equal time coding and cooking. He does Web development for World Online and actively hacks on various cool side projects. He's contributed to the Python-ObjC bindings and was the first guy to figure out how to write Tivo apps in Python. Lately he's been messing with Python on the PSP. He lives in Lawrence, Kansas. `Wilson Miner`_ Wilson's design-fu makes us all look like rock stars. When not sneaking into apartment complex swimming pools he is the Commercial Development Director for World Online, which means he makes the money that pays all our paychecks. He lives in Lawrence, Kansas. .. _`World Online`: http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/WorldOnline .. _`Adrian Holovaty`: http://www.holovaty.com/ .. _`chicagocrime.org`: http://www.chicagocrime.org/ .. _`Simon Willison`: http://simon.incutio.com/ .. _`simon.incutio.com`: http://simon.incutio.com/ .. _`Jacob Kaplan-Moss`: http://www.jacobian.org/ .. _`Wilson Miner`: http://www.wilsonminer.com/live/ Django appears to be a MVC framework, but you call the Controller the "view", and the View the "template". How come you don't use the standard names? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's because Django isn't strictly a MVC framework. We don't really believe in any capital-M Methodologies; we do what "feels" right. If you squint the right way, you can call Django's ORM the "Model", the view functions the "View", and the dynamically-generated API the "Controller" -- but not really. So, although we've been strongly influenced by MVC -- especially in the separation-of-data-from-logic department -- we've also strayed from the path where it makes sense. Do you have any of those nifty "screencast" things? --------------------------------------------------- They're in the works. It's amazing how much time those things take! Stay tuned... Installation questions ====================== How do I get started? --------------------- #. `Download the code`_. #. Install Django (read the `installation guide`_). #. Walk through the tutorial_. #. Check out the rest of the documentation_, and ask questions if you run into trouble. .. _`Download the code`: http://www.djangoproject.com/download/ .. _`installation guide`: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/install/ .. _tutorial: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/tutorial1/ .. _documentation: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/ How do I fix the "install a later version of setuptools" error? --------------------------------------------------------------- Just run the ``ex_setup.py`` script in the Django distribution. What are Django's prerequisites? -------------------------------- Django requires Python_ 2.3 or later, `Apache 2`_, and mod_python_. You'll also need a database engine. PostgreSQL_ is recommended, and MySQL_ is supported. .. _Python: http://www.python.org/ .. _Apache 2: http://httpd.apache.org/ .. _mod_python: http://www.modpython.org/ .. _PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org/ .. _MySQL: http://www.mysql.com/ How do I install mod_python on Windows? --------------------------------------- * If you are running Python 2.4, check out this `guide to mod_python & Python 2.3`_. * For Python 2.3, grab mod_python from http://www.mod_python.org/, the read `Running mod_python on Apache on Windows2000`_. * Also try this (not Windows-specific) `guide to getting mod_python working`_. .. _`guide to mod_python & Python 2.3`: http://www.lehuen.com/nicolas/index.php/2005/02/21/39-win32-build-of-mod_python-314-for-python-24 .. _`Running mod_python on Apache on Windows2000`: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/msg/139af8c83a5a9d4f .. _`guide to getting mod_python working`: http://www.dscpl.com.au/articles/modpython-001.html (Thanks to deelan for this info.) Do I have to use mod_python? ---------------------------- In the first release, yes. However, WSGI_ support (which will let Django run under FCGI, SCGI, medusa, etc.) is in the works. Stay tuned! .. _WSGI: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0333.html Will Django run under shared hosting (like TextDrive or Dreamhost)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Right now, no, unless you can get your host to install mod_python. However, as the previous answer says, WSGI support is coming! Using Django ============ Why do I get an error about importing DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE? ------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure that: * The environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is set to a fully-qualified Python module (i.e. "mysite.settings.main"). * Said module is on ``sys.path`` (``import mysite.settings.main`` should work). * The module doesn't contain syntax errors (of course). * If you're using mod_python but *not* using Django's request handler, you'll need to work around a mod_python bug related to the use of ``SetEnv``; before you import anything from Django you'll need to do the following:: os.environ.update(req.subprocess_env) (where ``req`` is the mod_python request object). I can't stand your template language. Do I have to use it? ---------------------------------------------------------- We happen to think our template engine is the best thing since chunky bacon, but we recognize that choosing a template language runs close to religion. There's nothing about Django that requires using the template language, so if you're attached to ZPT, Cheetah, or whatever, feel free to use those. The admin interface =================== The dynamically-generated admin site is ugly! How can I change it? ------------------------------------------------------------------ We think it's very purty, but if you don't agree, you can modify the admin site's presentation by editing the CSS stylesheet and/or associated image files. The site is built using semantic HTML, so any changes you'd like to make should be possible by editing the CSS stylesheet. We've got a `guide to the CSS used in the admin`_ to get you started. .. _`guide to the CSS used in the admin`: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/admin_css/