import copy import pickle import sys import unittest import warnings from django.test import TestCase from django.utils.functional import LazyObject, SimpleLazyObject, empty from .models import Category, CategoryInfo class Foo: """ A simple class with just one attribute. """ foo = "bar" def __eq__(self, other): return == class LazyObjectTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def lazy_wrap(self, wrapped_object): """ Wrap the given object into a LazyObject """ class AdHocLazyObject(LazyObject): def _setup(self): self._wrapped = wrapped_object return AdHocLazyObject() def test_getattribute(self): """ Proxy methods don't exist on wrapped objects unless they're set. """ attrs = [ "__getitem__", "__setitem__", "__delitem__", "__iter__", "__len__", "__contains__", ] foo = Foo() obj = self.lazy_wrap(foo) for attr in attrs: with self.subTest(attr): self.assertFalse(hasattr(obj, attr)) setattr(foo, attr, attr) obj_with_attr = self.lazy_wrap(foo) self.assertTrue(hasattr(obj_with_attr, attr)) self.assertEqual(getattr(obj_with_attr, attr), attr) def test_getattr(self): obj = self.lazy_wrap(Foo()) self.assertEqual(, "bar") def test_getattr_falsey(self): class Thing: def __getattr__(self, key): return [] obj = self.lazy_wrap(Thing()) self.assertEqual(obj.main, []) def test_setattr(self): obj = self.lazy_wrap(Foo()) = "BAR" = "baz" self.assertEqual(, "BAR") self.assertEqual(, "baz") def test_setattr2(self): # Same as test_setattr but in reversed order obj = self.lazy_wrap(Foo()) = "baz" = "BAR" self.assertEqual(, "BAR") self.assertEqual(, "baz") def test_delattr(self): obj = self.lazy_wrap(Foo()) = "baz" self.assertEqual(, "baz") del with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): def test_cmp(self): obj1 = self.lazy_wrap("foo") obj2 = self.lazy_wrap("bar") obj3 = self.lazy_wrap("foo") self.assertEqual(obj1, "foo") self.assertEqual(obj1, obj3) self.assertNotEqual(obj1, obj2) self.assertNotEqual(obj1, "bar") def test_lt(self): obj1 = self.lazy_wrap(1) obj2 = self.lazy_wrap(2) self.assertLess(obj1, obj2) def test_gt(self): obj1 = self.lazy_wrap(1) obj2 = self.lazy_wrap(2) self.assertGreater(obj2, obj1) def test_bytes(self): obj = self.lazy_wrap(b"foo") self.assertEqual(bytes(obj), b"foo") def test_text(self): obj = self.lazy_wrap("foo") self.assertEqual(str(obj), "foo") def test_bool(self): # Refs #21840 for f in [False, 0, (), {}, [], None, set()]: self.assertFalse(self.lazy_wrap(f)) for t in [True, 1, (1,), {1: 2}, [1], object(), {1}]: self.assertTrue(t) def test_dir(self): obj = self.lazy_wrap("foo") self.assertEqual(dir(obj), dir("foo")) def test_len(self): for seq in ["asd", [1, 2, 3], {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}]: obj = self.lazy_wrap(seq) self.assertEqual(len(obj), 3) def test_class(self): self.assertIsInstance(self.lazy_wrap(42), int) class Bar(Foo): pass self.assertIsInstance(self.lazy_wrap(Bar()), Foo) def test_hash(self): obj = self.lazy_wrap("foo") d = {obj: "bar"} self.assertIn("foo", d) self.assertEqual(d["foo"], "bar") def test_contains(self): test_data = [ ("c", "abcde"), (2, [1, 2, 3]), ("a", {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}), (2, {1, 2, 3}), ] for needle, haystack in test_data: self.assertIn(needle, self.lazy_wrap(haystack)) # __contains__ doesn't work when the haystack is a string and the # needle a LazyObject. for needle_haystack in test_data[1:]: self.assertIn(self.lazy_wrap(needle), haystack) self.assertIn(self.lazy_wrap(needle), self.lazy_wrap(haystack)) def test_getitem(self): obj_list = self.lazy_wrap([1, 2, 3]) obj_dict = self.lazy_wrap({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}) self.assertEqual(obj_list[0], 1) self.assertEqual(obj_list[-1], 3) self.assertEqual(obj_list[1:2], [2]) self.assertEqual(obj_dict["b"], 2) with self.assertRaises(IndexError): obj_list[3] with self.assertRaises(KeyError): obj_dict["f"] def test_setitem(self): obj_list = self.lazy_wrap([1, 2, 3]) obj_dict = self.lazy_wrap({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}) obj_list[0] = 100 self.assertEqual(obj_list, [100, 2, 3]) obj_list[1:2] = [200, 300, 400] self.assertEqual(obj_list, [100, 200, 300, 400, 3]) obj_dict["a"] = 100 obj_dict["d"] = 400 self.assertEqual(obj_dict, {"a": 100, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 400}) def test_delitem(self): obj_list = self.lazy_wrap([1, 2, 3]) obj_dict = self.lazy_wrap({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}) del obj_list[-1] del obj_dict["c"] self.assertEqual(obj_list, [1, 2]) self.assertEqual(obj_dict, {"a": 1, "b": 2}) with self.assertRaises(IndexError): del obj_list[3] with self.assertRaises(KeyError): del obj_dict["f"] def test_iter(self): # Tests whether an object's custom `__iter__` method is being # used when iterating over it. class IterObject: def __init__(self, values): self.values = values def __iter__(self): return iter(self.values) original_list = ["test", "123"] self.assertEqual(list(self.lazy_wrap(IterObject(original_list))), original_list) def test_pickle(self): # See ticket #16563 obj = self.lazy_wrap(Foo()) = "baz" pickled = pickle.dumps(obj) unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled) self.assertIsInstance(unpickled, Foo) self.assertEqual(unpickled, obj) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(, # Test copying lazy objects wrapping both builtin types and user-defined # classes since a lot of the relevant code does __dict__ manipulation and # builtin types don't have __dict__. def test_copy_list(self): # Copying a list works and returns the correct objects. lst = [1, 2, 3] obj = self.lazy_wrap(lst) len(lst) # forces evaluation obj2 = copy.copy(obj) self.assertIsNot(obj, obj2) self.assertIsInstance(obj2, list) self.assertEqual(obj2, [1, 2, 3]) def test_copy_list_no_evaluation(self): # Copying a list doesn't force evaluation. lst = [1, 2, 3] obj = self.lazy_wrap(lst) obj2 = copy.copy(obj) self.assertIsNot(obj, obj2) self.assertIs(obj._wrapped, empty) self.assertIs(obj2._wrapped, empty) def test_copy_class(self): # Copying a class works and returns the correct objects. foo = Foo() obj = self.lazy_wrap(foo) str(foo) # forces evaluation obj2 = copy.copy(obj) self.assertIsNot(obj, obj2) self.assertIsInstance(obj2, Foo) self.assertEqual(obj2, Foo()) def test_copy_class_no_evaluation(self): # Copying a class doesn't force evaluation. foo = Foo() obj = self.lazy_wrap(foo) obj2 = copy.copy(obj) self.assertIsNot(obj, obj2) self.assertIs(obj._wrapped, empty) self.assertIs(obj2._wrapped, empty) def test_deepcopy_list(self): # Deep copying a list works and returns the correct objects. lst = [1, 2, 3] obj = self.lazy_wrap(lst) len(lst) # forces evaluation obj2 = copy.deepcopy(obj) self.assertIsNot(obj, obj2) self.assertIsInstance(obj2, list) self.assertEqual(obj2, [1, 2, 3]) def test_deepcopy_list_no_evaluation(self): # Deep copying doesn't force evaluation. lst = [1, 2, 3] obj = self.lazy_wrap(lst) obj2 = copy.deepcopy(obj) self.assertIsNot(obj, obj2) self.assertIs(obj._wrapped, empty) self.assertIs(obj2._wrapped, empty) def test_deepcopy_class(self): # Deep copying a class works and returns the correct objects. foo = Foo() obj = self.lazy_wrap(foo) str(foo) # forces evaluation obj2 = copy.deepcopy(obj) self.assertIsNot(obj, obj2) self.assertIsInstance(obj2, Foo) self.assertEqual(obj2, Foo()) def test_deepcopy_class_no_evaluation(self): # Deep copying doesn't force evaluation. foo = Foo() obj = self.lazy_wrap(foo) obj2 = copy.deepcopy(obj) self.assertIsNot(obj, obj2) self.assertIs(obj._wrapped, empty) self.assertIs(obj2._wrapped, empty) class SimpleLazyObjectTestCase(LazyObjectTestCase): # By inheriting from LazyObjectTestCase and redefining the lazy_wrap() # method which all testcases use, we get to make sure all behaviors # tested in the parent testcase also apply to SimpleLazyObject. def lazy_wrap(self, wrapped_object): return SimpleLazyObject(lambda: wrapped_object) def test_repr(self): # First, for an unevaluated SimpleLazyObject obj = self.lazy_wrap(42) # __repr__ contains __repr__ of setup function and does not evaluate # the SimpleLazyObject self.assertRegex(repr(obj), "^<SimpleLazyObject:") self.assertIs(obj._wrapped, empty) # make sure evaluation hasn't been triggered self.assertEqual(obj, 42) # evaluate the lazy object self.assertIsInstance(obj._wrapped, int) self.assertEqual(repr(obj), "<SimpleLazyObject: 42>") def test_add(self): obj1 = self.lazy_wrap(1) self.assertEqual(obj1 + 1, 2) obj2 = self.lazy_wrap(2) self.assertEqual(obj2 + obj1, 3) self.assertEqual(obj1 + obj2, 3) def test_radd(self): obj1 = self.lazy_wrap(1) self.assertEqual(1 + obj1, 2) def test_trace(self): # See ticket #19456 old_trace_func = sys.gettrace() try: def trace_func(frame, event, arg): frame.f_locals["self"].__class__ if old_trace_func is not None: old_trace_func(frame, event, arg) sys.settrace(trace_func) self.lazy_wrap(None) finally: sys.settrace(old_trace_func) def test_none(self): i = [0] def f(): i[0] += 1 return None x = SimpleLazyObject(f) self.assertEqual(str(x), "None") self.assertEqual(i, [1]) self.assertEqual(str(x), "None") self.assertEqual(i, [1]) def test_dict(self): # See ticket #18447 lazydict = SimpleLazyObject(lambda: {"one": 1}) self.assertEqual(lazydict["one"], 1) lazydict["one"] = -1 self.assertEqual(lazydict["one"], -1) self.assertIn("one", lazydict) self.assertNotIn("two", lazydict) self.assertEqual(len(lazydict), 1) del lazydict["one"] with self.assertRaises(KeyError): lazydict["one"] def test_list_set(self): lazy_list = SimpleLazyObject(lambda: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) lazy_set = SimpleLazyObject(lambda: {1, 2, 3, 4}) self.assertIn(1, lazy_list) self.assertIn(1, lazy_set) self.assertNotIn(6, lazy_list) self.assertNotIn(6, lazy_set) self.assertEqual(len(lazy_list), 5) self.assertEqual(len(lazy_set), 4) class BaseBaz: """ A base class with a funky __reduce__ method, meant to simulate the __reduce__ method of Model, which sets self._django_version. """ def __init__(self): self.baz = "wrong" def __reduce__(self): self.baz = "right" return super().__reduce__() def __eq__(self, other): if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False for attr in ["bar", "baz", "quux"]: if hasattr(self, attr) != hasattr(other, attr): return False elif getattr(self, attr, None) != getattr(other, attr, None): return False return True class Baz(BaseBaz): """ A class that inherits from BaseBaz and has its own __reduce_ex__ method. """ def __init__(self, bar): = bar super().__init__() def __reduce_ex__(self, proto): self.quux = "quux" return super().__reduce_ex__(proto) class BazProxy(Baz): """ A class that acts as a proxy for Baz. It does some scary mucking about with dicts, which simulates some crazy things that people might do with e.g. proxy models. """ def __init__(self, baz): self.__dict__ = baz.__dict__ self._baz = baz # Grandparent super super(BaseBaz, self).__init__() class SimpleLazyObjectPickleTestCase(TestCase): """ Regression test for pickling a SimpleLazyObject wrapping a model (#25389). Also covers other classes with a custom __reduce__ method. """ def test_pickle_with_reduce(self): """ Test in a fairly synthetic setting. """ # Test every pickle protocol available for protocol in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1): lazy_objs = [ SimpleLazyObject(lambda: BaseBaz()), SimpleLazyObject(lambda: Baz(1)), SimpleLazyObject(lambda: BazProxy(Baz(2))), ] for obj in lazy_objs: pickled = pickle.dumps(obj, protocol) unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled) self.assertEqual(unpickled, obj) self.assertEqual(unpickled.baz, "right") def test_pickle_model(self): """ Test on an actual model, based on the report in #25426. """ category = Category.objects.create(name="thing1") CategoryInfo.objects.create(category=category) # Test every pickle protocol available for protocol in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1): lazy_category = SimpleLazyObject(lambda: category) # Test both if we accessed a field on the model and if we didn't. lazy_category.categoryinfo lazy_category_2 = SimpleLazyObject(lambda: category) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded: self.assertEqual( pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(lazy_category, protocol)), category ) self.assertEqual( pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(lazy_category_2, protocol)), category ) # Assert that there were no warnings. self.assertEqual(len(recorded), 0)