import os from django.template import Context, Engine, TemplateSyntaxError from django.template.base import Node from django.template.library import InvalidTemplateLibrary from django.test import SimpleTestCase from django.test.utils import extend_sys_path from .templatetags import custom, inclusion from .utils import ROOT LIBRARIES = { "custom": "template_tests.templatetags.custom", "inclusion": "template_tests.templatetags.inclusion", } class CustomFilterTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_filter(self): engine = Engine(libraries=LIBRARIES) t = engine.from_string("{% load custom %}{{ string|trim:5 }}") self.assertEqual( t.render(Context({"string": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"})), "abcde" ) def test_decorated_filter(self): engine = Engine(libraries=LIBRARIES) t = engine.from_string("{% load custom %}{{ name|make_data_div }}") self.assertEqual( t.render(Context({"name": "foo"})), '<div data-name="foo"></div>' ) class TagTestCase(SimpleTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.engine = Engine(app_dirs=True, libraries=LIBRARIES) super().setUpClass() def verify_tag(self, tag, name): self.assertEqual(tag.__name__, name) self.assertEqual(tag.__doc__, "Expected %s __doc__" % name) self.assertEqual(tag.__dict__["anything"], "Expected %s __dict__" % name) class SimpleTagTests(TagTestCase): def test_simple_tags(self): c = Context({"value": 42}) templates = [ ("{% load custom %}{% no_params %}", "no_params - Expected result"), ("{% load custom %}{% one_param 37 %}", "one_param - Expected result: 37"), ( "{% load custom %}{% explicit_no_context 37 %}", "explicit_no_context - Expected result: 37", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% no_params_with_context %}", "no_params_with_context - Expected result (context value: 42)", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% params_and_context 37 %}", "params_and_context - Expected result (context value: 42): 37", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% simple_two_params 37 42 %}", "simple_two_params - Expected result: 37, 42", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% simple_keyword_only_param kwarg=37 %}", "simple_keyword_only_param - Expected result: 37", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% simple_keyword_only_default %}", "simple_keyword_only_default - Expected result: 42", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% simple_keyword_only_default kwarg=37 %}", "simple_keyword_only_default - Expected result: 37", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% simple_one_default 37 %}", "simple_one_default - Expected result: 37, hi", ), ( '{% load custom %}{% simple_one_default 37 two="hello" %}', "simple_one_default - Expected result: 37, hello", ), ( '{% load custom %}{% simple_one_default one=99 two="hello" %}', "simple_one_default - Expected result: 99, hello", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% simple_one_default 37 42 %}", "simple_one_default - Expected result: 37, 42", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% simple_unlimited_args 37 %}", "simple_unlimited_args - Expected result: 37, hi", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% simple_unlimited_args 37 42 56 89 %}", "simple_unlimited_args - Expected result: 37, 42, 56, 89", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% simple_only_unlimited_args %}", "simple_only_unlimited_args - Expected result: ", ), ( "{% load custom %}{% simple_only_unlimited_args 37 42 56 89 %}", "simple_only_unlimited_args - Expected result: 37, 42, 56, 89", ), ( "{% load custom %}" '{% simple_unlimited_args_kwargs 37 40|add:2 56 eggs="scrambled" ' "four=1|add:3 %}", "simple_unlimited_args_kwargs - Expected result: 37, 42, 56 / " "eggs=scrambled, four=4", ), ] for entry in templates: t = self.engine.from_string(entry[0]) self.assertEqual(t.render(c), entry[1]) for entry in templates: t = self.engine.from_string( "%s as var %%}Result: {{ var }}" % entry[0][0:-2] ) self.assertEqual(t.render(c), "Result: %s" % entry[1]) def test_simple_tag_errors(self): errors = [ ( "'simple_one_default' received unexpected keyword argument 'three'", '{% load custom %}{% simple_one_default 99 two="hello" three="foo" %}', ), ( "'simple_two_params' received too many positional arguments", "{% load custom %}{% simple_two_params 37 42 56 %}", ), ( "'simple_one_default' received too many positional arguments", "{% load custom %}{% simple_one_default 37 42 56 %}", ), ( "'simple_keyword_only_param' did not receive value(s) for the " "argument(s): 'kwarg'", "{% load custom %}{% simple_keyword_only_param %}", ), ( "'simple_keyword_only_param' received multiple values for " "keyword argument 'kwarg'", "{% load custom %}{% simple_keyword_only_param kwarg=42 kwarg=37 %}", ), ( "'simple_keyword_only_default' received multiple values for " "keyword argument 'kwarg'", "{% load custom %}{% simple_keyword_only_default kwarg=42 " "kwarg=37 %}", ), ( "'simple_unlimited_args_kwargs' received some positional argument(s) " "after some keyword argument(s)", "{% load custom %}" "{% simple_unlimited_args_kwargs 37 40|add:2 " 'eggs="scrambled" 56 four=1|add:3 %}', ), ( "'simple_unlimited_args_kwargs' received multiple values for keyword " "argument 'eggs'", "{% load custom %}" "{% simple_unlimited_args_kwargs 37 " 'eggs="scrambled" eggs="scrambled" %}', ), ] for entry in errors: with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, entry[0]): self.engine.from_string(entry[1]) for entry in errors: with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, entry[0]): self.engine.from_string("%s as var %%}" % entry[1][0:-2]) def test_simple_tag_escaping_autoescape_off(self): c = Context({"name": "Jack & Jill"}, autoescape=False) t = self.engine.from_string("{% load custom %}{% escape_naive %}") self.assertEqual(t.render(c), "Hello Jack & Jill!") def test_simple_tag_naive_escaping(self): c = Context({"name": "Jack & Jill"}) t = self.engine.from_string("{% load custom %}{% escape_naive %}") self.assertEqual(t.render(c), "Hello Jack & Jill!") def test_simple_tag_explicit_escaping(self): # Check we don't double escape c = Context({"name": "Jack & Jill"}) t = self.engine.from_string("{% load custom %}{% escape_explicit %}") self.assertEqual(t.render(c), "Hello Jack & Jill!") def test_simple_tag_format_html_escaping(self): # Check we don't double escape c = Context({"name": "Jack & Jill"}) t = self.engine.from_string("{% load custom %}{% escape_format_html %}") self.assertEqual(t.render(c), "Hello Jack & Jill!") def test_simple_tag_registration(self): # The decorators preserve the decorated function's docstring, name, # and attributes. self.verify_tag(custom.no_params, "no_params") self.verify_tag(custom.one_param, "one_param") self.verify_tag(custom.explicit_no_context, "explicit_no_context") self.verify_tag(custom.no_params_with_context, "no_params_with_context") self.verify_tag(custom.params_and_context, "params_and_context") self.verify_tag( custom.simple_unlimited_args_kwargs, "simple_unlimited_args_kwargs" ) self.verify_tag( custom.simple_tag_without_context_parameter, "simple_tag_without_context_parameter", ) def test_simple_tag_missing_context(self): # The 'context' parameter must be present when takes_context is True msg = ( "'simple_tag_without_context_parameter' is decorated with " "takes_context=True so it must have a first argument of 'context'" ) with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg): self.engine.from_string( "{% load custom %}{% simple_tag_without_context_parameter 123 %}" ) def test_simple_tag_missing_context_no_params(self): msg = ( "'simple_tag_takes_context_without_params' is decorated with " "takes_context=True so it must have a first argument of 'context'" ) with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg): self.engine.from_string( "{% load custom %}{% simple_tag_takes_context_without_params %}" ) class InclusionTagTests(TagTestCase): def test_inclusion_tags(self): c = Context({"value": 42}) templates = [ ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_no_params %}", "inclusion_no_params - Expected result\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_one_param 37 %}", "inclusion_one_param - Expected result: 37\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_explicit_no_context 37 %}", "inclusion_explicit_no_context - Expected result: 37\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_no_params_with_context %}", "inclusion_no_params_with_context - Expected result (context value: " "42)\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_params_and_context 37 %}", "inclusion_params_and_context - Expected result (context value: 42): " "37\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_two_params 37 42 %}", "inclusion_two_params - Expected result: 37, 42\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_one_default 37 %}", "inclusion_one_default - Expected result: 37, hi\n", ), ( '{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_one_default 37 two="hello" %}', "inclusion_one_default - Expected result: 37, hello\n", ), ( '{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_one_default one=99 two="hello" %}', "inclusion_one_default - Expected result: 99, hello\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_one_default 37 42 %}", "inclusion_one_default - Expected result: 37, 42\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_keyword_only_default kwarg=37 %}", "inclusion_keyword_only_default - Expected result: 37\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_unlimited_args 37 %}", "inclusion_unlimited_args - Expected result: 37, hi\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_unlimited_args 37 42 56 89 %}", "inclusion_unlimited_args - Expected result: 37, 42, 56, 89\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_only_unlimited_args %}", "inclusion_only_unlimited_args - Expected result: \n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_only_unlimited_args 37 42 56 89 %}", "inclusion_only_unlimited_args - Expected result: 37, 42, 56, 89\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}" '{% inclusion_unlimited_args_kwargs 37 40|add:2 56 eggs="scrambled" ' "four=1|add:3 %}", "inclusion_unlimited_args_kwargs - Expected result: 37, 42, 56 / " "eggs=scrambled, four=4\n", ), ] for entry in templates: t = self.engine.from_string(entry[0]) self.assertEqual(t.render(c), entry[1]) def test_inclusion_tag_errors(self): errors = [ ( "'inclusion_one_default' received unexpected keyword argument 'three'", "{% load inclusion %}" '{% inclusion_one_default 99 two="hello" three="foo" %}', ), ( "'inclusion_two_params' received too many positional arguments", "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_two_params 37 42 56 %}", ), ( "'inclusion_one_default' received too many positional arguments", "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_one_default 37 42 56 %}", ), ( "'inclusion_one_default' did not receive value(s) for the argument(s): " "'one'", "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_one_default %}", ), ( "'inclusion_keyword_only_default' received multiple values " "for keyword argument 'kwarg'", "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_keyword_only_default " "kwarg=37 kwarg=42 %}", ), ( "'inclusion_unlimited_args' did not receive value(s) for the " "argument(s): 'one'", "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_unlimited_args %}", ), ( "'inclusion_unlimited_args_kwargs' received some positional " "argument(s) after some keyword argument(s)", "{% load inclusion %}" "{% inclusion_unlimited_args_kwargs 37 40|add:2 " 'eggs="boiled" 56 four=1|add:3 %}', ), ( "'inclusion_unlimited_args_kwargs' received multiple values for " "keyword argument 'eggs'", "{% load inclusion %}" "{% inclusion_unlimited_args_kwargs 37 " 'eggs="scrambled" eggs="scrambled" %}', ), ] for entry in errors: with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, entry[0]): self.engine.from_string(entry[1]) def test_include_tag_missing_context(self): # The 'context' parameter must be present when takes_context is True msg = ( "'inclusion_tag_without_context_parameter' is decorated with " "takes_context=True so it must have a first argument of 'context'" ) with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg): self.engine.from_string( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_tag_without_context_parameter 123 %}" ) def test_include_tag_missing_context_no_params(self): msg = ( "'inclusion_tag_takes_context_without_params' is decorated with " "takes_context=True so it must have a first argument of 'context'" ) with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg): self.engine.from_string( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_tag_takes_context_without_params %}" ) def test_inclusion_tags_from_template(self): c = Context({"value": 42}) templates = [ ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_no_params_from_template %}", "inclusion_no_params_from_template - Expected result\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_one_param_from_template 37 %}", "inclusion_one_param_from_template - Expected result: 37\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}" "{% inclusion_explicit_no_context_from_template 37 %}", "inclusion_explicit_no_context_from_template - Expected result: 37\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}" "{% inclusion_no_params_with_context_from_template %}", "inclusion_no_params_with_context_from_template - Expected result " "(context value: 42)\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}" "{% inclusion_params_and_context_from_template 37 %}", "inclusion_params_and_context_from_template - Expected result (context " "value: 42): 37\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_two_params_from_template 37 42 %}", "inclusion_two_params_from_template - Expected result: 37, 42\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_one_default_from_template 37 %}", "inclusion_one_default_from_template - Expected result: 37, hi\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_one_default_from_template 37 42 %}", "inclusion_one_default_from_template - Expected result: 37, 42\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_unlimited_args_from_template 37 %}", "inclusion_unlimited_args_from_template - Expected result: 37, hi\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}" "{% inclusion_unlimited_args_from_template 37 42 56 89 %}", "inclusion_unlimited_args_from_template - Expected result: 37, 42, 56, " "89\n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_only_unlimited_args_from_template %}", "inclusion_only_unlimited_args_from_template - Expected result: \n", ), ( "{% load inclusion %}" "{% inclusion_only_unlimited_args_from_template 37 42 56 89 %}", "inclusion_only_unlimited_args_from_template - Expected result: 37, " "42, 56, 89\n", ), ] for entry in templates: t = self.engine.from_string(entry[0]) self.assertEqual(t.render(c), entry[1]) def test_inclusion_tag_registration(self): # The decorators preserve the decorated function's docstring, name, # and attributes. self.verify_tag(inclusion.inclusion_no_params, "inclusion_no_params") self.verify_tag(inclusion.inclusion_one_param, "inclusion_one_param") self.verify_tag( inclusion.inclusion_explicit_no_context, "inclusion_explicit_no_context" ) self.verify_tag( inclusion.inclusion_no_params_with_context, "inclusion_no_params_with_context", ) self.verify_tag( inclusion.inclusion_params_and_context, "inclusion_params_and_context" ) self.verify_tag(inclusion.inclusion_two_params, "inclusion_two_params") self.verify_tag(inclusion.inclusion_one_default, "inclusion_one_default") self.verify_tag(inclusion.inclusion_unlimited_args, "inclusion_unlimited_args") self.verify_tag( inclusion.inclusion_only_unlimited_args, "inclusion_only_unlimited_args" ) self.verify_tag( inclusion.inclusion_tag_without_context_parameter, "inclusion_tag_without_context_parameter", ) self.verify_tag(inclusion.inclusion_tag_use_l10n, "inclusion_tag_use_l10n") self.verify_tag( inclusion.inclusion_unlimited_args_kwargs, "inclusion_unlimited_args_kwargs" ) def test_15070_use_l10n(self): """ Inclusion tag passes down `use_l10n` of context to the Context of the included/rendered template as well. """ c = Context({}) t = self.engine.from_string("{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_tag_use_l10n %}") self.assertEqual(t.render(c).strip(), "None") c.use_l10n = True self.assertEqual(t.render(c).strip(), "True") def test_no_render_side_effect(self): """ #23441 -- InclusionNode shouldn't modify its nodelist at render time. """ engine = Engine(app_dirs=True, libraries=LIBRARIES) template = engine.from_string("{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_no_params %}") count = template.nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(Node) template.render(Context({})) self.assertEqual(template.nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(Node), count) def test_render_context_is_cleared(self): """ #24555 -- InclusionNode should push and pop the render_context stack when rendering. Otherwise, leftover values such as blocks from extending can interfere with subsequent rendering. """ engine = Engine(app_dirs=True, libraries=LIBRARIES) template = engine.from_string( "{% load inclusion %}{% inclusion_extends1 %}{% inclusion_extends2 %}" ) self.assertEqual(template.render(Context({})).strip(), "one\ntwo") class TemplateTagLoadingTests(SimpleTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.egg_dir = os.path.join(ROOT, "eggs") super().setUpClass() def test_load_error(self): msg = ( "Invalid template library specified. ImportError raised when " "trying to load 'template_tests.broken_tag': cannot import name " "'Xtemplate'" ) with self.assertRaisesMessage(InvalidTemplateLibrary, msg): Engine(libraries={"broken_tag": "template_tests.broken_tag"}) def test_load_error_egg(self): egg_name = "%s/tagsegg.egg" % self.egg_dir msg = ( "Invalid template library specified. ImportError raised when " "trying to load 'tagsegg.templatetags.broken_egg': cannot " "import name 'Xtemplate'" ) with extend_sys_path(egg_name): with self.assertRaisesMessage(InvalidTemplateLibrary, msg): Engine(libraries={"broken_egg": "tagsegg.templatetags.broken_egg"}) def test_load_working_egg(self): ttext = "{% load working_egg %}" egg_name = "%s/tagsegg.egg" % self.egg_dir with extend_sys_path(egg_name): engine = Engine( libraries={ "working_egg": "tagsegg.templatetags.working_egg", } ) engine.from_string(ttext) def test_load_annotated_function(self): Engine( libraries={ "annotated_tag_function": "template_tests.annotated_tag_function", } )