import copy from io import BytesIO from itertools import chain from urllib.parse import urlencode from django.core.exceptions import DisallowedHost from django.core.handlers.wsgi import LimitedStream, WSGIRequest from django.http import ( HttpHeaders, HttpRequest, RawPostDataException, UnreadablePostError, ) from django.http.multipartparser import MultiPartParserError from django.http.request import split_domain_port from django.test import RequestFactory, SimpleTestCase, override_settings from django.test.client import BOUNDARY, MULTIPART_CONTENT, FakePayload class RequestsTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_httprequest(self): request = HttpRequest() self.assertEqual(list(request.GET), []) self.assertEqual(list(request.POST), []) self.assertEqual(list(request.COOKIES), []) self.assertEqual(list(request.META), []) # .GET and .POST should be QueryDicts self.assertEqual(request.GET.urlencode(), "") self.assertEqual(request.POST.urlencode(), "") # and FILES should be MultiValueDict self.assertEqual(request.FILES.getlist("foo"), []) self.assertIsNone(request.content_type) self.assertIsNone(request.content_params) def test_httprequest_full_path(self): request = HttpRequest() request.path = "/;some/?awful/=path/foo:bar/" request.path_info = "/prefix" + request.path request.META["QUERY_STRING"] = ";some=query&+query=string" expected = "/%3Bsome/%3Fawful/%3Dpath/foo:bar/?;some=query&+query=string" self.assertEqual(request.get_full_path(), expected) self.assertEqual(request.get_full_path_info(), "/prefix" + expected) def test_httprequest_full_path_with_query_string_and_fragment(self): request = HttpRequest() request.path = "/foo#bar" request.path_info = "/prefix" + request.path request.META["QUERY_STRING"] = "baz#quux" self.assertEqual(request.get_full_path(), "/foo%23bar?baz#quux") self.assertEqual(request.get_full_path_info(), "/prefix/foo%23bar?baz#quux") def test_httprequest_repr(self): request = HttpRequest() request.path = "/somepath/" request.method = "GET" request.GET = {"get-key": "get-value"} request.POST = {"post-key": "post-value"} request.COOKIES = {"post-key": "post-value"} request.META = {"post-key": "post-value"} self.assertEqual(repr(request), "") def test_httprequest_repr_invalid_method_and_path(self): request = HttpRequest() self.assertEqual(repr(request), "") request = HttpRequest() request.method = "GET" self.assertEqual(repr(request), "") request = HttpRequest() request.path = "" self.assertEqual(repr(request), "") def test_wsgirequest(self): request = WSGIRequest( { "PATH_INFO": "bogus", "REQUEST_METHOD": "bogus", "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/html; charset=utf8", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b""), } ) self.assertEqual(list(request.GET), []) self.assertEqual(list(request.POST), []) self.assertEqual(list(request.COOKIES), []) self.assertEqual( set(request.META), { "PATH_INFO", "REQUEST_METHOD", "SCRIPT_NAME", "CONTENT_TYPE", "wsgi.input", }, ) self.assertEqual(request.META["PATH_INFO"], "bogus") self.assertEqual(request.META["REQUEST_METHOD"], "bogus") self.assertEqual(request.META["SCRIPT_NAME"], "") self.assertEqual(request.content_type, "text/html") self.assertEqual(request.content_params, {"charset": "utf8"}) def test_wsgirequest_with_script_name(self): """ The request's path is correctly assembled, regardless of whether or not the SCRIPT_NAME has a trailing slash (#20169). """ # With trailing slash request = WSGIRequest( { "PATH_INFO": "/somepath/", "SCRIPT_NAME": "/PREFIX/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b""), } ) self.assertEqual(request.path, "/PREFIX/somepath/") # Without trailing slash request = WSGIRequest( { "PATH_INFO": "/somepath/", "SCRIPT_NAME": "/PREFIX", "REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b""), } ) self.assertEqual(request.path, "/PREFIX/somepath/") def test_wsgirequest_script_url_double_slashes(self): """ WSGI squashes multiple successive slashes in PATH_INFO, WSGIRequest should take that into account when populating request.path and request.META['SCRIPT_NAME'] (#17133). """ request = WSGIRequest( { "SCRIPT_URL": "/mst/milestones//accounts/login//help", "PATH_INFO": "/milestones/accounts/login/help", "REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b""), } ) self.assertEqual(request.path, "/mst/milestones/accounts/login/help") self.assertEqual(request.META["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/mst") def test_wsgirequest_with_force_script_name(self): """ The FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME setting takes precedence over the request's SCRIPT_NAME environment parameter (#20169). """ with override_settings(FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME="/FORCED_PREFIX/"): request = WSGIRequest( { "PATH_INFO": "/somepath/", "SCRIPT_NAME": "/PREFIX/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b""), } ) self.assertEqual(request.path, "/FORCED_PREFIX/somepath/") def test_wsgirequest_path_with_force_script_name_trailing_slash(self): """ The request's path is correctly assembled, regardless of whether or not the FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME setting has a trailing slash (#20169). """ # With trailing slash with override_settings(FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME="/FORCED_PREFIX/"): request = WSGIRequest( { "PATH_INFO": "/somepath/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b""), } ) self.assertEqual(request.path, "/FORCED_PREFIX/somepath/") # Without trailing slash with override_settings(FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME="/FORCED_PREFIX"): request = WSGIRequest( { "PATH_INFO": "/somepath/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b""), } ) self.assertEqual(request.path, "/FORCED_PREFIX/somepath/") def test_wsgirequest_repr(self): request = WSGIRequest({"REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b"")}) self.assertEqual(repr(request), "") request = WSGIRequest( { "PATH_INFO": "/somepath/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b""), } ) request.GET = {"get-key": "get-value"} request.POST = {"post-key": "post-value"} request.COOKIES = {"post-key": "post-value"} request.META = {"post-key": "post-value"} self.assertEqual(repr(request), "") def test_wsgirequest_path_info(self): def wsgi_str(path_info, encoding="utf-8"): path_info = path_info.encode( encoding ) # Actual URL sent by the browser (bytestring) path_info = path_info.decode( "iso-8859-1" ) # Value in the WSGI environ dict (native string) return path_info # Regression for #19468 request = WSGIRequest( { "PATH_INFO": wsgi_str("/سلام/"), "REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b""), } ) self.assertEqual(request.path, "/سلام/") # The URL may be incorrectly encoded in a non-UTF-8 encoding (#26971) request = WSGIRequest( { "PATH_INFO": wsgi_str("/café/", encoding="iso-8859-1"), "REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b""), } ) # Since it's impossible to decide the (wrong) encoding of the URL, it's # left percent-encoded in the path. self.assertEqual(request.path, "/caf%E9/") def test_wsgirequest_copy(self): request = WSGIRequest({"REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b"")}) request_copy = copy.copy(request) self.assertIs(request_copy.environ, request.environ) def test_limited_stream(self): # Read all of a limited stream stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b"test"), 2) self.assertEqual(, b"te") # Reading again returns nothing. self.assertEqual(, b"") # Read a number of characters greater than the stream has to offer stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b"test"), 2) self.assertEqual(, b"te") # Reading again returns nothing. self.assertEqual(stream.readline(5), b"") # Read sequentially from a stream stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b"12345678"), 8) self.assertEqual(, b"12345") self.assertEqual(, b"678") # Reading again returns nothing. self.assertEqual(stream.readline(5), b"") # Read lines from a stream stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b"1234\n5678\nabcd\nefgh\nijkl"), 24) # Read a full line, unconditionally self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b"1234\n") # Read a number of characters less than a line self.assertEqual(stream.readline(2), b"56") # Read the rest of the partial line self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b"78\n") # Read a full line, with a character limit greater than the line length self.assertEqual(stream.readline(6), b"abcd\n") # Read the next line, deliberately terminated at the line end self.assertEqual(stream.readline(4), b"efgh") # Read the next line... just the line end self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b"\n") # Read everything else. self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b"ijkl") # Regression for #15018 # If a stream contains a newline, but the provided length # is less than the number of provided characters, the newline # doesn't reset the available character count stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b"1234\nabcdef"), 9) self.assertEqual(stream.readline(10), b"1234\n") self.assertEqual(stream.readline(3), b"abc") # Now expire the available characters self.assertEqual(stream.readline(3), b"d") # Reading again returns nothing. self.assertEqual(stream.readline(2), b"") # Same test, but with read, not readline. stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b"1234\nabcdef"), 9) self.assertEqual(, b"1234\na") self.assertEqual(, b"bc") self.assertEqual(, b"d") self.assertEqual(, b"") self.assertEqual(, b"") def test_stream_read(self): payload = FakePayload("name=value") request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, }, ) self.assertEqual(, b"name=value") def test_stream_readline(self): payload = FakePayload("name=value\nother=string") request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, }, ) self.assertEqual(request.readline(), b"name=value\n") self.assertEqual(request.readline(), b"other=string") def test_read_after_value(self): """ Reading from request is allowed after accessing request contents as POST or body. """ payload = FakePayload("name=value") request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {"name": ["value"]}) self.assertEqual(request.body, b"name=value") self.assertEqual(, b"name=value") def test_value_after_read(self): """ Construction of POST or body is not allowed after reading from request. """ payload = FakePayload("name=value") request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) self.assertEqual(, b"na") with self.assertRaises(RawPostDataException): request.body self.assertEqual(request.POST, {}) def test_non_ascii_POST(self): payload = FakePayload(urlencode({"key": "España"})) request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "wsgi.input": payload, } ) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {"key": ["España"]}) def test_alternate_charset_POST(self): """ Test a POST with non-utf-8 payload encoding. """ payload = FakePayload(urlencode({"key": "España".encode("latin-1")})) request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=iso-8859-1", "wsgi.input": payload, } ) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {"key": ["España"]}) def test_body_after_POST_multipart_form_data(self): """ Reading body after parsing multipart/form-data is not allowed """ # Because multipart is used for large amounts of data i.e. file uploads, # we don't want the data held in memory twice, and we don't want to # silence the error by setting body = '' either. payload = FakePayload( "\r\n".join( [ "--boundary", 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"', "", "value", "--boundary--", ] ) ) request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data; boundary=boundary", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {"name": ["value"]}) with self.assertRaises(RawPostDataException): request.body def test_body_after_POST_multipart_related(self): """ Reading body after parsing multipart that isn't form-data is allowed """ # Ticket #9054 # There are cases in which the multipart data is related instead of # being a binary upload, in which case it should still be accessible # via body. payload_data = b"\r\n".join( [ b"--boundary", b'Content-ID: id; name="name"', b"", b"value", b"--boundary--", ] ) payload = FakePayload(payload_data) request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/related; boundary=boundary", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {}) self.assertEqual(request.body, payload_data) def test_POST_multipart_with_content_length_zero(self): """ Multipart POST requests with Content-Length >= 0 are valid and need to be handled. """ # According to RFC 9110 Section 8.6 every POST with Content-Length >= 0 # is a valid request, so ensure that we handle Content-Length == 0. payload = FakePayload( "\r\n".join( [ "--boundary", 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"', "", "value", "--boundary--", ] ) ) request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data; boundary=boundary", "CONTENT_LENGTH": 0, "wsgi.input": payload, } ) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {}) def test_POST_binary_only(self): payload = b"\r\n\x01\x00\x00\x00ab\x00\x00\xcd\xcc,@" environ = { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/octet-stream", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": BytesIO(payload), } request = WSGIRequest(environ) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {}) self.assertEqual(request.FILES, {}) self.assertEqual(request.body, payload) # Same test without specifying content-type environ.update({"CONTENT_TYPE": "", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(payload)}) request = WSGIRequest(environ) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {}) self.assertEqual(request.FILES, {}) self.assertEqual(request.body, payload) def test_read_by_lines(self): payload = FakePayload("name=value") request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) self.assertEqual(list(request), [b"name=value"]) def test_POST_after_body_read(self): """ POST should be populated even if body is read first """ payload = FakePayload("name=value") request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) request.body # evaluate self.assertEqual(request.POST, {"name": ["value"]}) def test_POST_after_body_read_and_stream_read(self): """ POST should be populated even if body is read first, and then the stream is read second. """ payload = FakePayload("name=value") request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) request.body # evaluate self.assertEqual(, b"n") self.assertEqual(request.POST, {"name": ["value"]}) def test_multipart_post_field_with_base64(self): payload = FakePayload( "\r\n".join( [ f"--{BOUNDARY}", 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"', "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64", "", "dmFsdWU=", f"--{BOUNDARY}--", "", ] ) ) request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": MULTIPART_CONTENT, "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) request.body # evaluate self.assertEqual(request.POST, {"name": ["value"]}) def test_multipart_post_field_with_invalid_base64(self): payload = FakePayload( "\r\n".join( [ f"--{BOUNDARY}", 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"', "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64", "", "123", f"--{BOUNDARY}--", "", ] ) ) request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": MULTIPART_CONTENT, "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) request.body # evaluate self.assertEqual(request.POST, {"name": ["123"]}) def test_POST_after_body_read_and_stream_read_multipart(self): """ POST should be populated even if body is read first, and then the stream is read second. Using multipart/form-data instead of urlencoded. """ payload = FakePayload( "\r\n".join( [ "--boundary", 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"', "", "value", "--boundary--" "", ] ) ) request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data; boundary=boundary", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) request.body # evaluate # Consume enough data to mess up the parsing: self.assertEqual(, b"--boundary\r\nC") self.assertEqual(request.POST, {"name": ["value"]}) def test_POST_immutable_for_multipart(self): """ MultiPartParser.parse() leaves request.POST immutable. """ payload = FakePayload( "\r\n".join( [ "--boundary", 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"', "", "value", "--boundary--", ] ) ) request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data; boundary=boundary", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) self.assertFalse(request.POST._mutable) def test_multipart_without_boundary(self): request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data;", "CONTENT_LENGTH": 0, "wsgi.input": FakePayload(), } ) with self.assertRaisesMessage( MultiPartParserError, "Invalid boundary in multipart: None" ): request.POST def test_multipart_non_ascii_content_type(self): request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data; boundary = \xe0", "CONTENT_LENGTH": 0, "wsgi.input": FakePayload(), } ) msg = ( "Invalid non-ASCII Content-Type in multipart: multipart/form-data; " "boundary = à" ) with self.assertRaisesMessage(MultiPartParserError, msg): request.POST def test_POST_connection_error(self): """ If raises an exception while trying to read() the POST, the exception is identifiable (not a generic OSError). """ class ExplodingBytesIO(BytesIO): def read(self, size=-1, /): raise OSError("kaboom!") payload = b"name=value" request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": ExplodingBytesIO(payload), } ) with self.assertRaises(UnreadablePostError): request.body def test_set_encoding_clears_POST(self): payload = FakePayload("name=Hello Günter") request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": payload, } ) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {"name": ["Hello Günter"]}) request.encoding = "iso-8859-16" self.assertEqual(request.POST, {"name": ["Hello GĂŒnter"]}) def test_set_encoding_clears_GET(self): payload = FakePayload("") request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "wsgi.input": payload, "QUERY_STRING": "name=Hello%20G%C3%BCnter", } ) self.assertEqual(request.GET, {"name": ["Hello Günter"]}) request.encoding = "iso-8859-16" self.assertEqual(request.GET, {"name": ["Hello G\u0102\u0152nter"]}) def test_FILES_connection_error(self): """ If raises an exception while trying to read() the FILES, the exception is identifiable (not a generic OSError). """ class ExplodingBytesIO(BytesIO): def read(self, size=-1, /): raise OSError("kaboom!") payload = b"x" request = WSGIRequest( { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": "multipart/form-data; boundary=foo_", "CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload), "wsgi.input": ExplodingBytesIO(payload), } ) with self.assertRaises(UnreadablePostError): request.FILES def test_copy(self): request = HttpRequest() request_copy = copy.copy(request) self.assertIs(request_copy.resolver_match, request.resolver_match) def test_deepcopy(self): request = RequestFactory().get("/") request.session = {} request_copy = copy.deepcopy(request) request.session["key"] = "value" self.assertEqual(request_copy.session, {}) class HostValidationTests(SimpleTestCase): poisoned_hosts = [ "", "", "", "", "", ] @override_settings( USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST=False, ALLOWED_HOSTS=[ "", "", "", "", "[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]", "", "", "", "[::ffff:]", ], ) def test_http_get_host(self): # Check if X_FORWARDED_HOST is provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST": "", "HTTP_HOST": "", "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": 80, } # X_FORWARDED_HOST is ignored. self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), "") # Check if X_FORWARDED_HOST isn't provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "HTTP_HOST": "", "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": 80, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), "") # Check if HTTP_HOST isn't provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": 80, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), "") # Check if HTTP_HOST isn't provided, and we're on a nonstandard port request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": 8042, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), "") legit_hosts = [ "", "", "", "", "[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]", "[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]:8080", "", # Punycode for öäü.com "", "", "", "", "", "[::ffff:]", ] for host in legit_hosts: request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "HTTP_HOST": host, } request.get_host() # Poisoned host headers are rejected as suspicious for host in chain(self.poisoned_hosts, ["", ""]): with self.assertRaises(DisallowedHost): request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "HTTP_HOST": host, } request.get_host() @override_settings(USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST=True, ALLOWED_HOSTS=["*"]) def test_http_get_host_with_x_forwarded_host(self): # Check if X_FORWARDED_HOST is provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST": "", "HTTP_HOST": "", "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": 80, } # X_FORWARDED_HOST is obeyed. self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), "") # Check if X_FORWARDED_HOST isn't provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "HTTP_HOST": "", "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": 80, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), "") # Check if HTTP_HOST isn't provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": 80, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), "") # Check if HTTP_HOST isn't provided, and we're on a nonstandard port request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": 8042, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), "") # Poisoned host headers are rejected as suspicious legit_hosts = [ "", "", "", "", "[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]", "[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]:8080", "", # Punycode for öäü.com ] for host in legit_hosts: request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "HTTP_HOST": host, } request.get_host() for host in self.poisoned_hosts: with self.assertRaises(DisallowedHost): request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "HTTP_HOST": host, } request.get_host() @override_settings(USE_X_FORWARDED_PORT=False) def test_get_port(self): request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "SERVER_PORT": "8080", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT": "80", } # Shouldn't use the X-Forwarded-Port header self.assertEqual(request.get_port(), "8080") request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "SERVER_PORT": "8080", } self.assertEqual(request.get_port(), "8080") @override_settings(USE_X_FORWARDED_PORT=True) def test_get_port_with_x_forwarded_port(self): request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "SERVER_PORT": "8080", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT": "80", } # Should use the X-Forwarded-Port header self.assertEqual(request.get_port(), "80") request = HttpRequest() request.META = { "SERVER_PORT": "8080", } self.assertEqual(request.get_port(), "8080") @override_settings(DEBUG=True, ALLOWED_HOSTS=[]) def test_host_validation_in_debug_mode(self): """ If ALLOWED_HOSTS is empty and DEBUG is True, variants of localhost are allowed. """ valid_hosts = ["localhost", "subdomain.localhost", "", "[::1]"] for host in valid_hosts: request = HttpRequest() request.META = {"HTTP_HOST": host} self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), host) # Other hostnames raise a DisallowedHost. with self.assertRaises(DisallowedHost): request = HttpRequest() request.META = {"HTTP_HOST": ""} request.get_host() @override_settings(ALLOWED_HOSTS=[]) def test_get_host_suggestion_of_allowed_host(self): """ get_host() makes helpful suggestions if a valid-looking host is not in ALLOWED_HOSTS. """ msg_invalid_host = "Invalid HTTP_HOST header: %r." msg_suggestion = msg_invalid_host + " You may need to add %r to ALLOWED_HOSTS." msg_suggestion2 = ( msg_invalid_host + " The domain name provided is not valid according to RFC 1034/1035" ) for host in [ # Valid-looking hosts "", "", "[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]", "", # Punycode for öäü.com ]: request = HttpRequest() request.META = {"HTTP_HOST": host} with self.assertRaisesMessage( DisallowedHost, msg_suggestion % (host, host) ): request.get_host() for domain, port in [ # Valid-looking hosts with a port number ("", 80), ("", 443), ("[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]", 8080), ]: host = "%s:%s" % (domain, port) request = HttpRequest() request.META = {"HTTP_HOST": host} with self.assertRaisesMessage( DisallowedHost, msg_suggestion % (host, domain) ): request.get_host() for host in self.poisoned_hosts: request = HttpRequest() request.META = {"HTTP_HOST": host} with self.assertRaisesMessage(DisallowedHost, msg_invalid_host % host): request.get_host() request = HttpRequest() request.META = {"HTTP_HOST": ""} with self.assertRaisesMessage( DisallowedHost, msg_suggestion2 % "" ): request.get_host() def test_split_domain_port(self): for host, expected in [ ("", ("", "")), (":8080", ("", "")), (" 8080", ("", "")), ("", ("", "")), ("[::1]", ("[::1]", "")), ("[::1]:8080", ("[::1]", "8080")), ("[::ffff:]", ("[::ffff:]", "")), ("[::ffff:]:8080", ("[::ffff:]", "8080")), ( "[1851:0000:3238:DEF1:0177:0000:0000:0125]", ("[1851:0000:3238:def1:0177:0000:0000:0125]", ""), ), ( "[1851:0000:3238:DEF1:0177:0000:0000:0125]:8080", ("[1851:0000:3238:def1:0177:0000:0000:0125]", "8080"), ), ("", ("", "")), ("", ("", "8080")), ("", ("", "")), ("", ("", "8080")), ("", ("", "")), ("", ("", "8080")), ("xn--n28h.test", ("xn--n28h.test", "")), ("xn--n28h.test:8080", ("xn--n28h.test", "8080")), ("", ("", "")), ("", ("", "8080")), ]: with self.subTest(host=host): self.assertEqual(split_domain_port(host), expected) class BuildAbsoluteURITests(SimpleTestCase): factory = RequestFactory() def test_absolute_url(self): request = HttpRequest() url = "" self.assertEqual(request.build_absolute_uri(location=url), url) def test_host_retrieval(self): request = HttpRequest() request.get_host = lambda: "" request.path = "" self.assertEqual( request.build_absolute_uri(location="/path/with:colons"), "", ) def test_request_path_begins_with_two_slashes(self): # //// creates a request with a path beginning with // request = self.factory.get("////absolute-uri") tests = ( # location isn't provided (None, "http://testserver//absolute-uri"), # An absolute URL ("", ""), # A schema-relative URL ("//", ""), # Relative URLs ("/foo/bar/", "http://testserver/foo/bar/"), ("/foo/./bar/", "http://testserver/foo/bar/"), ("/foo/../bar/", "http://testserver/bar/"), ("///foo/bar/", "http://testserver/foo/bar/"), ) for location, expected_url in tests: with self.subTest(location=location): self.assertEqual( request.build_absolute_uri(location=location), expected_url ) class RequestHeadersTests(SimpleTestCase): ENVIRON = { # Non-headers are ignored. "PATH_INFO": "/somepath/", "REQUEST_METHOD": "get", "wsgi.input": BytesIO(b""), "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": 80, # These non-HTTP prefixed headers are included. "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/html", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "100", # All HTTP-prefixed headers are included. "HTTP_ACCEPT": "*", "HTTP_HOST": "", "HTTP_USER_AGENT": "python-requests/1.2.0", } def test_base_request_headers(self): request = HttpRequest() request.META = self.ENVIRON self.assertEqual( dict(request.headers), { "Content-Type": "text/html", "Content-Length": "100", "Accept": "*", "Host": "", "User-Agent": "python-requests/1.2.0", }, ) def test_wsgi_request_headers(self): request = WSGIRequest(self.ENVIRON) self.assertEqual( dict(request.headers), { "Content-Type": "text/html", "Content-Length": "100", "Accept": "*", "Host": "", "User-Agent": "python-requests/1.2.0", }, ) def test_wsgi_request_headers_getitem(self): request = WSGIRequest(self.ENVIRON) self.assertEqual(request.headers["User-Agent"], "python-requests/1.2.0") self.assertEqual(request.headers["user-agent"], "python-requests/1.2.0") self.assertEqual(request.headers["user_agent"], "python-requests/1.2.0") self.assertEqual(request.headers["Content-Type"], "text/html") self.assertEqual(request.headers["Content-Length"], "100") def test_wsgi_request_headers_get(self): request = WSGIRequest(self.ENVIRON) self.assertEqual(request.headers.get("User-Agent"), "python-requests/1.2.0") self.assertEqual(request.headers.get("user-agent"), "python-requests/1.2.0") self.assertEqual(request.headers.get("Content-Type"), "text/html") self.assertEqual(request.headers.get("Content-Length"), "100") class HttpHeadersTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_basic(self): environ = { "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/html", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "100", "HTTP_HOST": "", } headers = HttpHeaders(environ) self.assertEqual(sorted(headers), ["Content-Length", "Content-Type", "Host"]) self.assertEqual( headers, { "Content-Type": "text/html", "Content-Length": "100", "Host": "", }, ) def test_parse_header_name(self): tests = ( ("PATH_INFO", None), ("HTTP_ACCEPT", "Accept"), ("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "User-Agent"), ("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO", "X-Forwarded-Proto"), ("CONTENT_TYPE", "Content-Type"), ("CONTENT_LENGTH", "Content-Length"), ) for header, expected in tests: with self.subTest(header=header): self.assertEqual(HttpHeaders.parse_header_name(header), expected)