Django 5.2 release notes - UNDER DEVELOPMENT

*Expected April 2025*

Welcome to Django 5.2!

These release notes cover the :ref:`new features <whats-new-5.2>`, as well as
some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-5.2>` you
should be aware of when upgrading from Django 5.1 or earlier. We've
:ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features

See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing

Django 5.2 is designated as a :term:`long-term support release
<Long-term support release>`. It will receive security updates for at least
three years after its release. Support for the previous LTS, Django 4.2, will
end in April 2026.

Python compatibility

Django 5.2 supports Python 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, and 3.13. We **highly recommend**
and only officially support the latest release of each series.

.. _whats-new-5.2:

What's new in Django 5.2

Minor features


* The ``admin/base.html`` template now has a new block
  :ref:`extrabody <extrabody>` for adding custom code before the closing
  ``</body>`` tag.


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* The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from
  870,000 to 1,000,000.


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* All :class:`~django.utils.feedgenerator.SyndicationFeed` classes now support
  a ``stylesheets`` attribute. If specified, an ``<? xml-stylesheet ?>``
  processing instruction will be added to the top of the document for each
  stylesheet in the given list. See :ref:`feed-stylesheets` for more details.

Asynchronous views

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Database backends

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* :func:`~django.utils.decorators.method_decorator` now supports wrapping
  asynchronous view methods.


* Tuple items of :class:`EmailMessage.attachments
  <django.core.mail.EmailMessage>` and
  <django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives>` are now named tuples, as opposed
  to regular tuples.

* :attr:`EmailMultiAlternatives.alternatives
  <django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives.alternatives>` is now a list of
  named tuples, as opposed to regular tuples.

* The new :meth:`~django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives.body_contains` method
  returns a boolean indicating whether a provided text is contained in the
  email ``body`` and in all attached MIME type ``text/*`` alternatives.

Error Reporting

* The attribute :attr:`.SafeExceptionReporterFilter.hidden_settings` now
  treats values as sensitive if their name includes ``AUTH``.

File Storage

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File Uploads

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* The new :class:`~django.forms.ColorInput` form widget is for entering a color
  in ``rrggbb`` hexadecimal format and renders as ``<input type="color" ...>``.
  Some browsers support a visual color picker interface for this input type.

* The new :class:`~django.forms.SearchInput` form widget is for entering search
  queries and renders as ``<input type="search" ...>``.

* The new :class:`~django.forms.TelInput` form widget is for entering telephone
  numbers and renders as ``<input type="tel" ...>``.

Generic Views

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Management Commands

* A new warning is printed to the console when running :djadmin:`runserver` that
  ``runserver`` is unsuitable for production. This warning can be hidden by
  setting the :envvar:`HIDE_PRODUCTION_WARNING` environment variable to


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* The ``SELECT`` clause generated when using
  :meth:`QuerySet.values()<django.db.models.query.QuerySet.values>` and
  :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.values_list` now matches the
  specified order of the referenced expressions. Previously the order was based
  of a set of counterintuitive rules which made query combination through
  methods such as
  :meth:`QuerySet.union()<django.db.models.query.QuerySet.union>` unpredictable.

* Added support for validation of model constraints which use a

* The new :attr:`.Expression.set_returning` attribute specifies that the
  expression contains a set-returning function, enforcing subquery evaluation.
  This is necessary for many Postgres set-returning functions.

Requests and Responses

* The new :meth:`.HttpRequest.get_preferred_type` method can be used to query
  the preferred media type the client accepts.


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* Stack frames from Django's custom assertions are now hidden. This makes test
  failures easier to read and enables :option:`test --pdb` to directly enter
  into the failing test method.


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* :class:`~django.utils.safestring.SafeString` now returns
  :py:data:`NotImplemented` in ``__add__`` for non-string right-hand side
  values. This aligns with the :py:class:`str` addition behavior and allows
  ``__radd__`` to be used if available.

* :func:`~django.utils.html.format_html_join` now supports taking an iterable
  of mappings, passing their contents as keyword arguments to


* ...

.. _backwards-incompatible-5.2:

Backwards incompatible changes in 5.2

Database backend API

This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database

* The new :meth:`Model._is_pk_set() <django.db.models.Model._is_pk_set>` method
  allows checking if a Model instance's primary key is defined.


* Support for PostGIS 3.0 is removed.

Dropped support for PostgreSQL 13

Upstream support for PostgreSQL 13 ends in November 2025. Django 5.2 supports
PostgreSQL 14 and higher.


* Adding :attr:`.EmailMultiAlternatives.alternatives` is now only supported via
  the :meth:`~.EmailMultiAlternatives.attach_alternative` method.

* The minimum supported version of ``gettext`` is increased from 0.15 to 0.19.

* ``HttpRequest.accepted_types`` is now sorted by the client's preference, based
  on the request's ``Accept`` header.

.. _deprecated-features-5.2:

Features deprecated in 5.2


* The ``all`` argument for the ``django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.find()``
  function is deprecated in favor of the ``find_all`` argument.