Django 5.2 release notes - UNDER DEVELOPMENT

*Expected April 2025*

Welcome to Django 5.2!

These release notes cover the :ref:`new features <whats-new-5.2>`, as well as
some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-5.2>` you
should be aware of when upgrading from Django 5.1 or earlier. We've
:ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features

See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing

Django 5.2 is designated as a :term:`long-term support release
<Long-term support release>`. It will receive security updates for at least
three years after its release. Support for the previous LTS, Django 4.2, will
end in April 2026.

Python compatibility

Django 5.2 supports Python 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, and 3.13. We **highly recommend**
and only officially support the latest release of each series.

.. _whats-new-5.2:

What's new in Django 5.2

Automatic models import in the ``shell``

The :djadmin:`shell` management command now automatically imports models from
all installed apps. You can view further details of the imported objects by
setting the ``--verbosity`` flag to 2 or more:

.. code-block:: pycon

    $ python -Wall manage.py shell --verbosity=2
    6 objects imported automatically, including:

      from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry
      from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission, User
      from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
      from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session

This :ref:`behavior can be customized <customizing-shell-auto-imports>` to add
or remove automatic imports.

Composite Primary Keys

The new :class:`django.db.models.CompositePrimaryKey` allows tables to be
created with a primary key consisting of multiple fields.

To use a composite primary key, when defining a model set the ``pk`` attribute
to be a ``CompositePrimaryKey``::

    from django.db import models

    class Release(models.Model):
        pk = models.CompositePrimaryKey("version", "name")
        version = models.IntegerField()
        name = models.CharField(max_length=20)

See :doc:`/topics/composite-primary-key` for more details.

Minor features


* The ``admin/base.html`` template now has a new block
  :ref:`extrabody <extrabody>` for adding custom code before the closing
  ``</body>`` tag.

* The value of a :class:`~django.db.models.URLField` now renders as a link.


* Links to components in docstrings now supports custom link text, using the
  format ``:role:`link text <link>```. See :ref:`documentation helpers
  <admindocs-helpers>` for more details.

* The :ref:`model pages <admindocs-model-reference>` are now restricted to
  users with the corresponding view or change permissions.


* The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from
  870,000 to 1,000,000.

* The following new asynchronous methods are now provided, using an ``a``

  * :meth:`.UserManager.acreate_user`
  * :meth:`.UserManager.acreate_superuser`
  * :meth:`.BaseUserManager.aget_by_natural_key`
  * :meth:`.User.aget_user_permissions`
  * :meth:`.User.aget_all_permissions`
  * :meth:`.User.aget_group_permissions`
  * :meth:`.User.ahas_perm`
  * :meth:`.User.ahas_perms`
  * :meth:`.User.ahas_module_perms`
  * :meth:`.User.aget_user_permissions`
  * :meth:`.User.aget_group_permissions`
  * :meth:`.User.ahas_perm`
  * :meth:`.ModelBackend.aauthenticate`
  * :meth:`.ModelBackend.aget_user_permissions`
  * :meth:`.ModelBackend.aget_group_permissions`
  * :meth:`.ModelBackend.aget_all_permissions`
  * :meth:`.ModelBackend.ahas_perm`
  * :meth:`.ModelBackend.ahas_module_perms`
  * :meth:`.RemoteUserBackend.aauthenticate`
  * :meth:`.RemoteUserBackend.aconfigure_user`

* Auth backends can now provide async implementations which are used when
  calling async auth functions (e.g.
  :func:`~.django.contrib.auth.aauthenticate`) to reduce context-switching
  which improves performance. See :ref:`adding an async interface
  <writing-authentication-backends-async-interface>` for more details.

* The :ref:`password validator classes <included-password-validators>`
  now have a new method ``get_error_message()``, which can be overridden in
  subclasses to customize the error messages.


* ...


* GDAL now supports curved geometries ``CurvePolygon``, ``CompoundCurve``,
  ``CircularString``, ``MultiSurface``, and ``MultiCurve`` via the new
  :attr:`.OGRGeometry.has_curve` property, and the
  :meth:`.OGRGeometry.get_linear_geometry` and
  :meth:`.OGRGeometry.get_curve_geometry` methods.

* :lookup:`coveredby` and :lookup:`covers` lookup are now supported on MySQL.

* :lookup:`coveredby` and :lookup:`isvalid` lookups,
  :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.Collect` aggregation, and
  :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.GeoHash` and
  :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.IsValid` database functions
  are now supported on MariaDB 11.7+.


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* All :class:`~django.utils.feedgenerator.SyndicationFeed` classes now support
  a ``stylesheets`` attribute. If specified, an ``<? xml-stylesheet ?>``
  processing instruction will be added to the top of the document for each
  stylesheet in the given list. See :ref:`feed-stylesheets` for more details.

Asynchronous views

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Database backends

* MySQL connections now default to using the ``utf8mb4`` character set,
  instead of ``utf8``, which is an alias for the deprecated character set

* Oracle backends now support :ref:`connection pools <oracle-pool>`, by setting
  ``"pool"`` in the :setting:`OPTIONS` part of your database configuration.


* :func:`~django.utils.decorators.method_decorator` now supports wrapping
  asynchronous view methods.


* Tuple items of :class:`EmailMessage.attachments
  <django.core.mail.EmailMessage>` and
  <django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives>` are now named tuples, as opposed
  to regular tuples.

* :attr:`EmailMultiAlternatives.alternatives
  <django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives.alternatives>` is now a list of
  named tuples, as opposed to regular tuples.

* The new :meth:`~django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives.body_contains` method
  returns a boolean indicating whether a provided text is contained in the
  email ``body`` and in all attached MIME type ``text/*`` alternatives.

Error Reporting

* The attribute :attr:`.SafeExceptionReporterFilter.hidden_settings` now
  treats values as sensitive if their name includes ``AUTH``.

File Storage

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File Uploads

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* The new :class:`~django.forms.ColorInput` form widget is for entering a color
  in ``rrggbb`` hexadecimal format and renders as ``<input type="color" ...>``.
  Some browsers support a visual color picker interface for this input type.

* The new :class:`~django.forms.SearchInput` form widget is for entering search
  queries and renders as ``<input type="search" ...>``.

* The new :class:`~django.forms.TelInput` form widget is for entering telephone
  numbers and renders as ``<input type="tel" ...>``.

* The new ``field_id`` argument for :class:`~django.forms.ErrorList` allows an
  HTML ``id`` attribute to be added in the error template. See
  :attr:`.ErrorList.field_id` for details.

* An :attr:`~django.forms.BoundField.aria_describedby` property is added to
  ``BoundField`` to ease use of this HTML attribute in templates.

* To improve accessibility for screen reader users ``aria-describedby`` is used
  to associated form fields with their error messages. See
  :ref:`how form errors are displayed <form-error-display>` for details.

* The new asset object :class:`~django.forms.Script` is available for adding
  custom HTML-attributes to JavaScript in form media. See
  :ref:`paths as objects <form-media-asset-objects>` for more details.

Generic Views

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Management Commands

* A new warning is displayed when running :djadmin:`runserver`, indicating that
  it is unsuitable for production. This warning can be suppressed by setting
  the :envvar:`HIDE_PRODUCTION_WARNING` environment variable to ``"true"``.

* The :djadmin:`makemigrations` and :djadmin:`migrate` commands  have a new
  ``Command.autodetector`` attribute for subclasses to override in order to use
  a custom autodetector class.

* The new :meth:`.BaseCommand.get_check_kwargs` method can be overridden in
  custom commands to control the running of system checks, e.g. to opt into
  database-dependent checks.


* The new operation :class:`.AlterConstraint` is a no-op operation that alters
  constraints without dropping and recreating constraints in the database.


* The ``SELECT`` clause generated when using :meth:`.QuerySet.values` and
  :meth:`.QuerySet.values_list` now matches the specified order of the
  referenced expressions. Previously, the order was based of a set of
  counterintuitive rules which made query combination through methods such as
  :meth:`.QuerySet.union` unpredictable.

* Added support for validation of model constraints which use a

* The new :attr:`.Expression.set_returning` attribute specifies that the
  expression contains a set-returning function, enforcing subquery evaluation.
  This is necessary for many Postgres set-returning functions.

* :attr:`CharField.max_length <django.db.models.CharField.max_length>` is no
  longer required to be set on SQLite, which supports unlimited ``VARCHAR``

* :meth:`.QuerySet.explain` now supports the ``memory`` and ``serialize``
  options on PostgreSQL 17+.

* The new :class:`~django.db.models.functions.JSONArray` database function
  accepts a list of field names or expressions and returns a JSON array
  containing those values.

* The new :attr:`.Expression.allows_composite_expressions` attribute specifies
  that the expression allows composite expressions, for example, to support
  :ref:`composite primary keys <cpk-and-database-functions>`.

Requests and Responses

* The new :attr:`.HttpResponse.text` property provides the string
  representation of :attr:`.HttpResponse.content`.

* The new :meth:`.HttpRequest.get_preferred_type` method can be used to query
  the preferred media type the client accepts.

* The new ``preserve_request`` argument for
  :class:`~django.http.HttpResponseRedirect` and
  determines whether the HTTP status codes 302/307 or 301/308 are used,

* The new ``preserve_request`` argument for
  :func:`~django.shortcuts.redirect` allows to instruct the user agent to reuse
  the HTTP method and body during redirection using specific status codes.


* ...


* Each serialization format now defines a ``Deserializer`` class, rather than a
  function, to improve extensibility when defining a
  :ref:`custom serialization format <custom-serialization-formats>`.


* ...


* The new :meth:`~django.template.Library.simple_block_tag` decorator enables
  the creation of simple block tags, which can accept and use a section of the


* Stack frames from Django's custom assertions are now hidden. This makes test
  failures easier to read and enables :option:`test --pdb` to directly enter
  into the failing test method.

* Data loaded from :attr:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase.fixtures` and from
  migrations enabled with :ref:`serialized_rollback=True
  <test-case-serialized-rollback>` are now available during


* :func:`~django.urls.reverse` now accepts ``query`` and ``fragment`` keyword
  arguments, allowing the addition of a query string and/or fragment identifier
  in the generated URL, respectively.


* :class:`~django.utils.safestring.SafeString` now returns
  :py:data:`NotImplemented` in ``__add__`` for non-string right-hand side
  values. This aligns with the :py:class:`str` addition behavior and allows
  ``__radd__`` to be used if available.

* :func:`~django.utils.html.format_html_join` now supports taking an iterable
  of mappings, passing their contents as keyword arguments to


* ...

.. _backwards-incompatible-5.2:

Backwards incompatible changes in 5.2

Database backend API

This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database

* The new :meth:`Model._is_pk_set() <django.db.models.Model._is_pk_set>` method
  allows checking if a Model instance's primary key is defined.

* ``BaseDatabaseOperations.adapt_decimalfield_value()`` is now a no-op, simply
  returning the given value.


* Support for PostGIS 3.0 is removed.

* Support for GDAL 3.0 is removed.

Dropped support for PostgreSQL 13

Upstream support for PostgreSQL 13 ends in November 2025. Django 5.2 supports
PostgreSQL 14 and higher.

Changed MySQL connection character set default

MySQL connections now default to using the ``utf8mb4`` character set, instead
of ``utf8``, which is an alias for the deprecated character set ``utf8mb3``.
``utf8mb3`` can be specified in the ``OPTIONS`` part of the ``DATABASES``
setting, if needed for legacy databases.


* Adding :attr:`.EmailMultiAlternatives.alternatives` is now only supported via
  the :meth:`~.EmailMultiAlternatives.attach_alternative` method.

* The minimum supported version of ``gettext`` is increased from 0.15 to 0.19.

* ``HttpRequest.accepted_types`` is now sorted by the client's preference,
  based on the request's ``Accept`` header.

* The attributes :attr:`.UniqueConstraint.violation_error_code` and
  :attr:`.UniqueConstraint.violation_error_message` are now always used when
  provided. Previously, they were ignored if :attr:`.UniqueConstraint.fields`
  was set without a :attr:`.UniqueConstraint.condition`.

* The :func:`~django.template.context_processors.debug` context processor is no
  longer included in the default project template.

* The following methods now have ``alters_data=True`` set to prevent side
  effects when :ref:`rendering a template context <alters-data-description>`:

  * :meth:`.UserManager.create_user`
  * :meth:`.UserManager.acreate_user`
  * :meth:`.UserManager.create_superuser`
  * :meth:`.UserManager.acreate_superuser`
  * :meth:`.QuerySet.create`
  * :meth:`.QuerySet.acreate`
  * :meth:`.QuerySet.bulk_create`
  * :meth:`.QuerySet.abulk_create`
  * :meth:`.QuerySet.get_or_create`
  * :meth:`.QuerySet.aget_or_create`
  * :meth:`.QuerySet.update_or_create`
  * :meth:`.QuerySet.aupdate_or_create`

* The minimum supported version of ``oracledb`` is increased from 1.3.2 to

* Built-in aggregate functions accepting only one argument (``Avg``, ``Count``,
  ``Max``, ``Min``, ``StdDev``, ``Sum``, and ``Variance``) now raise
  :exc:`TypeError` when called with an incorrect number of arguments.

.. _deprecated-features-5.2:

Features deprecated in 5.2


* The ``all`` argument for the ``django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.find()``
  function is deprecated in favor of the ``find_all`` argument.

* The fallback to ``request.user`` when ``user`` is ``None`` in
  ``django.contrib.auth.login()`` and ``django.contrib.auth.alogin()`` will be

* The ``ordering`` keyword argument of the PostgreSQL specific aggregation
  functions ``django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.ArrayAgg``,
  ``django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.JSONBAgg``, and
  ``django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.StringAgg`` is deprecated in favor
  of the ``order_by`` argument.