mirror of https://github.com/django/django.git synced 2025-03-09 00:42:40 +00:00
Claude Paroz fe873e2765 Fixed #12140 -- Fixed http.urlencode result for empty lists
Thanks aneil for the report and the initial patch.
2012-06-14 11:32:40 +02:00

133 lines
4.8 KiB

import sys
from django.utils import http
from django.utils import unittest
from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict
from django.http import HttpResponse, utils
from django.test import RequestFactory
class TestUtilsHttp(unittest.TestCase):
def test_same_origin_true(self):
# Identical
self.assertTrue(http.same_origin('http://foo.com/', 'http://foo.com/'))
# One with trailing slash - see #15617
self.assertTrue(http.same_origin('http://foo.com', 'http://foo.com/'))
self.assertTrue(http.same_origin('http://foo.com/', 'http://foo.com'))
# With port
self.assertTrue(http.same_origin('https://foo.com:8000', 'https://foo.com:8000/'))
def test_same_origin_false(self):
# Different scheme
self.assertFalse(http.same_origin('http://foo.com', 'https://foo.com'))
# Different host
self.assertFalse(http.same_origin('http://foo.com', 'http://goo.com'))
# Different host again
self.assertFalse(http.same_origin('http://foo.com', 'http://foo.com.evil.com'))
# Different port
self.assertFalse(http.same_origin('http://foo.com:8000', 'http://foo.com:8001'))
def test_urlencode(self):
# 2-tuples (the norm)
result = http.urlencode((('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)))
self.assertEqual(result, 'a=1&b=2&c=3')
# A dictionary
result = http.urlencode({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})
acceptable_results = [
# Need to allow all of these as dictionaries have to be treated as
# unordered
self.assertTrue(result in acceptable_results)
result = http.urlencode({'a': [1, 2]}, doseq=False)
self.assertEqual(result, 'a=%5B%271%27%2C+%272%27%5D')
result = http.urlencode({'a': [1, 2]}, doseq=True)
self.assertEqual(result, 'a=1&a=2')
result = http.urlencode({'a': []}, doseq=True)
self.assertEqual(result, '')
# A MultiValueDict
result = http.urlencode(MultiValueDict({
'name': ['Adrian', 'Simon'],
'position': ['Developer']
}), doseq=True)
acceptable_results = [
# MultiValueDicts are similarly unordered
self.assertTrue(result in acceptable_results)
def test_fix_IE_for_vary(self):
Regression for #16632.
`fix_IE_for_vary` shouldn't crash when there's no Content-Type header.
# functions to generate responses
def response_with_unsafe_content_type():
r = HttpResponse(content_type="text/unsafe")
r['Vary'] = 'Cookie'
return r
def no_content_response_with_unsafe_content_type():
# 'Content-Type' always defaulted, so delete it
r = response_with_unsafe_content_type()
del r['Content-Type']
return r
# request with & without IE user agent
rf = RequestFactory()
request = rf.get('/')
ie_request = rf.get('/', HTTP_USER_AGENT='MSIE')
# not IE, unsafe_content_type
response = response_with_unsafe_content_type()
utils.fix_IE_for_vary(request, response)
self.assertTrue('Vary' in response)
# IE, unsafe_content_type
response = response_with_unsafe_content_type()
utils.fix_IE_for_vary(ie_request, response)
self.assertFalse('Vary' in response)
# not IE, no_content
response = no_content_response_with_unsafe_content_type()
utils.fix_IE_for_vary(request, response)
self.assertTrue('Vary' in response)
# IE, no_content
response = no_content_response_with_unsafe_content_type()
utils.fix_IE_for_vary(ie_request, response)
self.assertFalse('Vary' in response)
def test_base36(self):
# reciprocity works
for n in [0, 1, 1000, 1000000, sys.maxint]:
self.assertEqual(n, http.base36_to_int(http.int_to_base36(n)))
# bad input
for n in [-1, sys.maxint+1, '1', 'foo', {1:2}, (1,2,3)]:
self.assertRaises(ValueError, http.int_to_base36, n)
for n in ['#', ' ']:
self.assertRaises(ValueError, http.base36_to_int, n)
for n in [123, {1:2}, (1,2,3)]:
self.assertRaises(TypeError, http.base36_to_int, n)
# non-integer input
self.assertRaises(TypeError, http.int_to_base36, 3.141)
# more explicit output testing
for n, b36 in [(0, '0'), (1, '1'), (42, '16'), (818469960, 'django')]:
self.assertEqual(http.int_to_base36(n), b36)
self.assertEqual(http.base36_to_int(b36), n)