mirror of https://github.com/django/django.git synced 2025-03-28 18:20:49 +00:00
Aymeric Augustin 4daf570b98 Added TransactionTestCase.available_apps.
This can be used to make Django's test suite significantly faster by
reducing the number of models for which content types and permissions
must be created and tables must be flushed in each non-transactional

It's documented for Django contributors and committers but it's branded
as a private API to preserve our freedom to change it in the future.

Most of the credit goes to Anssi. He got the idea and did the research.

Fixed #20483.
2013-06-10 11:24:10 +02:00

195 lines
6.7 KiB

Creates permissions for all installed apps that need permissions.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import getpass
import locale
import unicodedata
from django.contrib.auth import models as auth_app, get_user_model
from django.core import exceptions
from django.core.management.base import CommandError
from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, router
from django.db.models import get_model, get_models, signals, UnavailableApp
from django.utils.encoding import DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.six.moves import input
def _get_permission_codename(action, opts):
return '%s_%s' % (action, opts.model_name)
def _get_all_permissions(opts, ctype):
Returns (codename, name) for all permissions in the given opts.
builtin = _get_builtin_permissions(opts)
custom = list(opts.permissions)
_check_permission_clashing(custom, builtin, ctype)
return builtin + custom
def _get_builtin_permissions(opts):
Returns (codename, name) for all autogenerated permissions.
perms = []
for action in ('add', 'change', 'delete'):
perms.append((_get_permission_codename(action, opts),
'Can %s %s' % (action, opts.verbose_name_raw)))
return perms
def _check_permission_clashing(custom, builtin, ctype):
Check that permissions for a model do not clash. Raises CommandError if
there are duplicate permissions.
pool = set()
builtin_codenames = set(p[0] for p in builtin)
for codename, _name in custom:
if codename in pool:
raise CommandError(
"The permission codename '%s' is duplicated for model '%s.%s'." %
(codename, ctype.app_label, ctype.model_class().__name__))
elif codename in builtin_codenames:
raise CommandError(
"The permission codename '%s' clashes with a builtin permission "
"for model '%s.%s'." %
(codename, ctype.app_label, ctype.model_class().__name__))
def create_permissions(app, created_models, verbosity, db=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **kwargs):
get_model('auth', 'Permission')
except UnavailableApp:
if not router.allow_syncdb(db, auth_app.Permission):
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
app_models = get_models(app)
# This will hold the permissions we're looking for as
# (content_type, (codename, name))
searched_perms = list()
# The codenames and ctypes that should exist.
ctypes = set()
for klass in app_models:
# Force looking up the content types in the current database
# before creating foreign keys to them.
ctype = ContentType.objects.db_manager(db).get_for_model(klass)
for perm in _get_all_permissions(klass._meta, ctype):
searched_perms.append((ctype, perm))
# Find all the Permissions that have a content_type for a model we're
# looking for. We don't need to check for codenames since we already have
# a list of the ones we're going to create.
all_perms = set(auth_app.Permission.objects.using(db).filter(
"content_type", "codename"
perms = [
auth_app.Permission(codename=codename, name=name, content_type=ctype)
for ctype, (codename, name) in searched_perms
if (ctype.pk, codename) not in all_perms
if verbosity >= 2:
for perm in perms:
print("Adding permission '%s'" % perm)
def create_superuser(app, created_models, verbosity, db, **kwargs):
get_model('auth', 'Permission')
UserModel = get_user_model()
except UnavailableApp:
from django.core.management import call_command
if UserModel in created_models and kwargs.get('interactive', True):
msg = ("\nYou just installed Django's auth system, which means you "
"don't have any superusers defined.\nWould you like to create one "
"now? (yes/no): ")
confirm = input(msg)
while 1:
if confirm not in ('yes', 'no'):
confirm = input('Please enter either "yes" or "no": ')
if confirm == 'yes':
call_command("createsuperuser", interactive=True, database=db)
def get_system_username():
Try to determine the current system user's username.
:returns: The username as a unicode string, or an empty string if the
username could not be determined.
result = getpass.getuser()
except (ImportError, KeyError):
# KeyError will be raised by os.getpwuid() (called by getuser())
# if there is no corresponding entry in the /etc/passwd file
# (a very restricted chroot environment, for example).
return ''
if not six.PY3:
result = result.decode(DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# UnicodeDecodeError - preventive treatment for non-latin Windows.
return ''
return result
def get_default_username(check_db=True):
Try to determine the current system user's username to use as a default.
:param check_db: If ``True``, requires that the username does not match an
existing ``auth.User`` (otherwise returns an empty string).
:returns: The username, or an empty string if no username can be
# If the User model has been swapped out, we can't make any assumptions
# about the default user name.
if auth_app.User._meta.swapped:
return ''
default_username = get_system_username()
default_username = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', default_username)\
.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii').replace(' ', '').lower()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return ''
# Run the username validator
except exceptions.ValidationError:
return ''
# Don't return the default username if it is already taken.
if check_db and default_username:
except auth_app.User.DoesNotExist:
return ''
return default_username
sender=auth_app, dispatch_uid="django.contrib.auth.management.create_superuser")