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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from django.template import Context, Engine, TemplateSyntaxError
from django.template.base import UNKNOWN_SOURCE
from django.test import SimpleTestCase, override_settings
from django.urls import NoReverseMatch
from django.utils import translation
class TemplateTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_string_origin(self):
template = Engine().from_string('string template')
self.assertEqual(template.origin.name, UNKNOWN_SOURCE)
self.assertEqual(template.source, 'string template')
def test_url_reverse_no_settings_module(self):
#9005 -- url tag shouldn't require settings.SETTINGS_MODULE to
be set.
t = Engine(debug=True).from_string('{% url will_not_match %}')
c = Context()
with self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch):
def test_url_reverse_view_name(self):
#19827 -- url tag should keep original strack trace when reraising
t = Engine().from_string('{% url will_not_match %}')
c = Context()
except NoReverseMatch:
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
depth = 0
while tb.tb_next is not None:
tb = tb.tb_next
depth += 1
self.assertGreater(depth, 5, "The traceback context was lost when reraising the traceback.")
def test_no_wrapped_exception(self):
# 16770 -- The template system doesn't wrap exceptions, but annotates
engine = Engine(debug=True)
c = Context({"coconuts": lambda: 42 / 0})
t = engine.from_string("{{ coconuts }}")
with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError) as e:
debug = e.exception.template_debug
self.assertEqual(debug['start'], 0)
self.assertEqual(debug['end'], 14)
def test_invalid_block_suggestion(self):
Error messages should include the unexpected block name and be in all
engine = Engine()
msg = (
"Invalid block tag on line 1: 'endblock', expected 'elif', 'else' "
"or 'endif'. Did you forget to register or load this tag?"
with self.settings(USE_I18N=True), translation.override('de'):
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
engine.from_string("{% if 1 %}lala{% endblock %}{% endif %}")
def test_unknown_block_tag(self):
engine = Engine()
msg = (
"Invalid block tag on line 1: 'foobar'. Did you forget to "
"register or load this tag?"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
engine.from_string("lala{% foobar %}")
def test_compile_filter_expression_error(self):
19819 -- Make sure the correct token is highlighted for
FilterExpression errors.
engine = Engine(debug=True)
msg = "Could not parse the remainder: '@bar' from 'foo@bar'"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg) as e:
engine.from_string("{% if 1 %}{{ foo@bar }}{% endif %}")
debug = e.exception.template_debug
self.assertEqual((debug['start'], debug['end']), (10, 23))
self.assertEqual((debug['during']), '{{ foo@bar }}')
def test_compile_tag_error(self):
Errors raised while compiling nodes should include the token
engine = Engine(
libraries={'bad_tag': 'template_tests.templatetags.bad_tag'},
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as e:
engine.from_string("{% load bad_tag %}{% badtag %}")
self.assertEqual(e.exception.template_debug['during'], '{% badtag %}')
def test_super_errors(self):
#18169 -- NoReverseMatch should not be silence in block.super.
engine = Engine(app_dirs=True)
t = engine.get_template('included_content.html')
with self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch):
def test_debug_tag_non_ascii(self):
#23060 -- Test non-ASCII model representation in debug output.
group = Group(name="清風")
c1 = Context({"objs": [group]})
t1 = Engine().from_string('{% debug %}')
self.assertIn("清風", t1.render(c1))
def test_extends_generic_template(self):
#24338 -- Allow extending django.template.backends.django.Template
engine = Engine()
parent = engine.from_string('{% block content %}parent{% endblock %}')
child = engine.from_string(
'{% extends parent %}{% block content %}child{% endblock %}')
self.assertEqual(child.render(Context({'parent': parent})), 'child')
def test_node_origin(self):
#25848 -- Set origin on Node so debugging tools can determine which
template the node came from even if extending or including templates.
template = Engine().from_string('content')
for node in template.nodelist:
self.assertEqual(node.origin, template.origin)