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import ctypes
import faulthandler
import io
import itertools
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import pickle
import sys
import textwrap
import unittest
from importlib import import_module
from io import StringIO
from django.core.management import call_command
from django.db import connections
from django.test import SimpleTestCase, TestCase
from django.test.utils import (
NullTimeKeeper, TimeKeeper, iter_test_cases,
setup_databases as _setup_databases, setup_test_environment,
teardown_databases as _teardown_databases, teardown_test_environment,
from django.utils.datastructures import OrderedSet
import ipdb as pdb
except ImportError:
import pdb
import tblib.pickling_support
except ImportError:
tblib = None
class DebugSQLTextTestResult(unittest.TextTestResult):
def __init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity):
self.logger = logging.getLogger('django.db.backends')
self.debug_sql_stream = None
super().__init__(stream, descriptions, verbosity)
def startTest(self, test):
self.debug_sql_stream = StringIO()
self.handler = logging.StreamHandler(self.debug_sql_stream)
def stopTest(self, test):
if self.showAll:
def addError(self, test, err):
super().addError(test, err)
if self.debug_sql_stream is None:
# Error before tests e.g. in setUpTestData().
sql = ''
sql = self.debug_sql_stream.read()
self.errors[-1] = self.errors[-1] + (sql,)
def addFailure(self, test, err):
super().addFailure(test, err)
self.failures[-1] = self.failures[-1] + (self.debug_sql_stream.read(),)
def addSubTest(self, test, subtest, err):
super().addSubTest(test, subtest, err)
if err is not None:
errors = self.failures if issubclass(err[0], test.failureException) else self.errors
errors[-1] = errors[-1] + (self.debug_sql_stream.read(),)
def printErrorList(self, flavour, errors):
for test, err, sql_debug in errors:
self.stream.writeln("%s: %s" % (flavour, self.getDescription(test)))
class PDBDebugResult(unittest.TextTestResult):
Custom result class that triggers a PDB session when an error or failure
def addError(self, test, err):
super().addError(test, err)
def addFailure(self, test, err):
super().addFailure(test, err)
def debug(self, error):
self.buffer = False
exc_type, exc_value, traceback = error
print("\nOpening PDB: %r" % exc_value)
class DummyList:
Dummy list class for faking storage of results in unittest.TestResult.
__slots__ = ()
def append(self, item):
class RemoteTestResult(unittest.TestResult):
Extend unittest.TestResult to record events in the child processes so they
can be replayed in the parent process. Events include things like which
tests succeeded or failed.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Fake storage of results to reduce memory usage. These are used by the
# unittest default methods, but here 'events' is used instead.
dummy_list = DummyList()
self.failures = dummy_list
self.errors = dummy_list
self.skipped = dummy_list
self.expectedFailures = dummy_list
self.unexpectedSuccesses = dummy_list
if tblib is not None:
self.events = []
def __getstate__(self):
# Make this class picklable by removing the file-like buffer
# attributes. This is possible since they aren't used after unpickling
# after being sent to ParallelTestSuite.
state = self.__dict__.copy()
state.pop('_stdout_buffer', None)
state.pop('_stderr_buffer', None)
state.pop('_original_stdout', None)
state.pop('_original_stderr', None)
return state
def test_index(self):
return self.testsRun - 1
def _confirm_picklable(self, obj):
Confirm that obj can be pickled and unpickled as multiprocessing will
need to pickle the exception in the child process and unpickle it in
the parent process. Let the exception rise, if not.
def _print_unpicklable_subtest(self, test, subtest, pickle_exc):
Subtest failed:
test: {}
subtest: {}
Unfortunately, the subtest that failed cannot be pickled, so the parallel
test runner cannot handle it cleanly. Here is the pickling error:
> {}
You should re-run this test with --parallel=1 to reproduce the failure
with a cleaner failure message.
""".format(test, subtest, pickle_exc))
def check_picklable(self, test, err):
# Ensure that sys.exc_info() tuples are picklable. This displays a
# clear multiprocessing.pool.RemoteTraceback generated in the child
# process instead of a multiprocessing.pool.MaybeEncodingError, making
# the root cause easier to figure out for users who aren't familiar
# with the multiprocessing module. Since we're in a forked process,
# our best chance to communicate with them is to print to stdout.
except Exception as exc:
original_exc_txt = repr(err[1])
original_exc_txt = textwrap.fill(original_exc_txt, 75, initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ')
pickle_exc_txt = repr(exc)
pickle_exc_txt = textwrap.fill(pickle_exc_txt, 75, initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ')
if tblib is None:
{} failed:
Unfortunately, tracebacks cannot be pickled, making it impossible for the
parallel test runner to handle this exception cleanly.
In order to see the traceback, you should install tblib:
python -m pip install tblib
""".format(test, original_exc_txt))
{} failed:
Unfortunately, the exception it raised cannot be pickled, making it impossible
for the parallel test runner to handle it cleanly.
Here's the error encountered while trying to pickle the exception:
You should re-run this test with the --parallel=1 option to reproduce the
failure and get a correct traceback.
""".format(test, original_exc_txt, pickle_exc_txt))
def check_subtest_picklable(self, test, subtest):
except Exception as exc:
self._print_unpicklable_subtest(test, subtest, exc)
def startTestRun(self):
def stopTestRun(self):
def startTest(self, test):
self.events.append(('startTest', self.test_index))
def stopTest(self, test):
self.events.append(('stopTest', self.test_index))
def addError(self, test, err):
self.check_picklable(test, err)
self.events.append(('addError', self.test_index, err))
super().addError(test, err)
def addFailure(self, test, err):
self.check_picklable(test, err)
self.events.append(('addFailure', self.test_index, err))
super().addFailure(test, err)
def addSubTest(self, test, subtest, err):
# Follow Python's implementation of unittest.TestResult.addSubTest() by
# not doing anything when a subtest is successful.
if err is not None:
# Call check_picklable() before check_subtest_picklable() since
# check_picklable() performs the tblib check.
self.check_picklable(test, err)
self.check_subtest_picklable(test, subtest)
self.events.append(('addSubTest', self.test_index, subtest, err))
super().addSubTest(test, subtest, err)
def addSuccess(self, test):
self.events.append(('addSuccess', self.test_index))
def addSkip(self, test, reason):
self.events.append(('addSkip', self.test_index, reason))
super().addSkip(test, reason)
def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err):
# If tblib isn't installed, pickling the traceback will always fail.
# However we don't want tblib to be required for running the tests
# when they pass or fail as expected. Drop the traceback when an
# expected failure occurs.
if tblib is None:
err = err[0], err[1], None
self.check_picklable(test, err)
self.events.append(('addExpectedFailure', self.test_index, err))
super().addExpectedFailure(test, err)
def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test):
self.events.append(('addUnexpectedSuccess', self.test_index))
def wasSuccessful(self):
"""Tells whether or not this result was a success."""
failure_types = {'addError', 'addFailure', 'addSubTest', 'addUnexpectedSuccess'}
return all(e[0] not in failure_types for e in self.events)
def _exc_info_to_string(self, err, test):
# Make this method no-op. It only powers the default unittest behavior
# for recording errors, but this class pickles errors into 'events'
# instead.
return ''
class RemoteTestRunner:
Run tests and record everything but don't display anything.
The implementation matches the unpythonic coding style of unittest2.
resultclass = RemoteTestResult
def __init__(self, failfast=False, resultclass=None, buffer=False):
self.failfast = failfast
self.buffer = buffer
if resultclass is not None:
self.resultclass = resultclass
def run(self, test):
result = self.resultclass()
result.failfast = self.failfast
result.buffer = self.buffer
return result
def default_test_processes():
"""Default number of test processes when using the --parallel option."""
# The current implementation of the parallel test runner requires
# multiprocessing to start subprocesses with fork().
if multiprocessing.get_start_method() != 'fork':
return 1
return int(os.environ['DJANGO_TEST_PROCESSES'])
except KeyError:
return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
_worker_id = 0
def _init_worker(counter):
Switch to databases dedicated to this worker.
This helper lives at module-level because of the multiprocessing module's
global _worker_id
with counter.get_lock():
counter.value += 1
_worker_id = counter.value
for alias in connections:
connection = connections[alias]
settings_dict = connection.creation.get_test_db_clone_settings(str(_worker_id))
# connection.settings_dict must be updated in place for changes to be
# reflected in django.db.connections. If the following line assigned
# connection.settings_dict = settings_dict, new threads would connect
# to the default database instead of the appropriate clone.
def _run_subsuite(args):
Run a suite of tests with a RemoteTestRunner and return a RemoteTestResult.
This helper lives at module-level and its arguments are wrapped in a tuple
because of the multiprocessing module's requirements.
runner_class, subsuite_index, subsuite, failfast, buffer = args
runner = runner_class(failfast=failfast, buffer=buffer)
result = runner.run(subsuite)
return subsuite_index, result.events
class ParallelTestSuite(unittest.TestSuite):
Run a series of tests in parallel in several processes.
While the unittest module's documentation implies that orchestrating the
execution of tests is the responsibility of the test runner, in practice,
it appears that TestRunner classes are more concerned with formatting and
displaying test results.
Since there are fewer use cases for customizing TestSuite than TestRunner,
implementing parallelization at the level of the TestSuite improves
interoperability with existing custom test runners. A single instance of a
test runner can still collect results from all tests without being aware
that they have been run in parallel.
# In case someone wants to modify these in a subclass.
init_worker = _init_worker
run_subsuite = _run_subsuite
runner_class = RemoteTestRunner
def __init__(self, suite, processes, failfast=False, buffer=False):
self.subsuites = partition_suite_by_case(suite)
self.processes = processes
self.failfast = failfast
self.buffer = buffer
def run(self, result):
Distribute test cases across workers.
Return an identifier of each test case with its result in order to use
imap_unordered to show results as soon as they're available.
To minimize pickling errors when getting results from workers:
- pass back numeric indexes in self.subsuites instead of tests
- make tracebacks picklable with tblib, if available
Even with tblib, errors may still occur for dynamically created
exception classes which cannot be unpickled.
counter = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int, 0)
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(
args = [
(self.runner_class, index, subsuite, self.failfast, self.buffer)
for index, subsuite in enumerate(self.subsuites)
test_results = pool.imap_unordered(self.run_subsuite.__func__, args)
while True:
if result.shouldStop:
subsuite_index, events = test_results.next(timeout=0.1)
except multiprocessing.TimeoutError:
except StopIteration:
tests = list(self.subsuites[subsuite_index])
for event in events:
event_name = event[0]
handler = getattr(result, event_name, None)
if handler is None:
test = tests[event[1]]
args = event[2:]
handler(test, *args)
return result
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.subsuites)
class DiscoverRunner:
"""A Django test runner that uses unittest2 test discovery."""
test_suite = unittest.TestSuite
parallel_test_suite = ParallelTestSuite
test_runner = unittest.TextTestRunner
test_loader = unittest.defaultTestLoader
reorder_by = (TestCase, SimpleTestCase)
def __init__(self, pattern=None, top_level=None, verbosity=1,
interactive=True, failfast=False, keepdb=False,
reverse=False, debug_mode=False, debug_sql=False, parallel=0,
tags=None, exclude_tags=None, test_name_patterns=None,
pdb=False, buffer=False, enable_faulthandler=True,
timing=False, **kwargs):
self.pattern = pattern
self.top_level = top_level
self.verbosity = verbosity
self.interactive = interactive
self.failfast = failfast
self.keepdb = keepdb
self.reverse = reverse
self.debug_mode = debug_mode
self.debug_sql = debug_sql
self.parallel = parallel
self.tags = set(tags or [])
self.exclude_tags = set(exclude_tags or [])
if not faulthandler.is_enabled() and enable_faulthandler:
except (AttributeError, io.UnsupportedOperation):
self.pdb = pdb
if self.pdb and self.parallel > 1:
raise ValueError('You cannot use --pdb with parallel tests; pass --parallel=1 to use it.')
self.buffer = buffer
self.test_name_patterns = None
self.time_keeper = TimeKeeper() if timing else NullTimeKeeper()
if test_name_patterns:
# unittest does not export the _convert_select_pattern function
# that converts command-line arguments to patterns.
self.test_name_patterns = {
pattern if '*' in pattern else '*%s*' % pattern
for pattern in test_name_patterns
def add_arguments(cls, parser):
'-t', '--top-level-directory', dest='top_level',
help='Top level of project for unittest discovery.',
'-p', '--pattern', default="test*.py",
help='The test matching pattern. Defaults to test*.py.',
'--keepdb', action='store_true',
help='Preserves the test DB between runs.'
'-r', '--reverse', action='store_true',
help='Reverses test case order.',
'--debug-mode', action='store_true',
help='Sets settings.DEBUG to True.',
'-d', '--debug-sql', action='store_true',
help='Prints logged SQL queries on failure.',
'--parallel', nargs='?', default=1, type=int,
const=default_test_processes(), metavar='N',
help='Run tests using up to N parallel processes.',
'--tag', action='append', dest='tags',
help='Run only tests with the specified tag. Can be used multiple times.',
'--exclude-tag', action='append', dest='exclude_tags',
help='Do not run tests with the specified tag. Can be used multiple times.',
'--pdb', action='store_true',
help='Runs a debugger (pdb, or ipdb if installed) on error or failure.'
'-b', '--buffer', action='store_true',
help='Discard output from passing tests.',
'--no-faulthandler', action='store_false', dest='enable_faulthandler',
help='Disables the Python faulthandler module during tests.',
'--timing', action='store_true',
'Output timings, including database set up and total run time.'
'-k', action='append', dest='test_name_patterns',
'Only run test methods and classes that match the pattern '
'or substring. Can be used multiple times. Same as '
'unittest -k option.'
def setup_test_environment(self, **kwargs):
def load_tests_for_label(self, label, discover_kwargs):
label_as_path = os.path.abspath(label)
tests = None
# If a module, or "module.ClassName[.method_name]", just run those.
if not os.path.exists(label_as_path):
tests = self.test_loader.loadTestsFromName(label)
if tests.countTestCases():
return tests
# Try discovery if "label" is a package or directory.
is_importable, is_package = try_importing(label)
if is_importable:
if not is_package:
return tests
elif not os.path.isdir(label_as_path):
if os.path.exists(label_as_path):
assert tests is None
raise RuntimeError(
f'One of the test labels is a path to a file: {label!r}, '
f'which is not supported. Use a dotted module name '
return tests
kwargs = discover_kwargs.copy()
if os.path.isdir(label_as_path) and not self.top_level:
kwargs['top_level_dir'] = find_top_level(label_as_path)
tests = self.test_loader.discover(start_dir=label, **kwargs)
# Make unittest forget the top-level dir it calculated from this run,
# to support running tests from two different top-levels.
self.test_loader._top_level_dir = None
return tests
def build_suite(self, test_labels=None, extra_tests=None, **kwargs):
test_labels = test_labels or ['.']
extra_tests = extra_tests or []
self.test_loader.testNamePatterns = self.test_name_patterns
discover_kwargs = {}
if self.pattern is not None:
discover_kwargs['pattern'] = self.pattern
if self.top_level is not None:
discover_kwargs['top_level_dir'] = self.top_level
all_tests = []
for label in test_labels:
tests = self.load_tests_for_label(label, discover_kwargs)
if self.tags or self.exclude_tags:
if self.verbosity >= 2:
if self.tags:
print('Including test tag(s): %s.' % ', '.join(sorted(self.tags)))
if self.exclude_tags:
print('Excluding test tag(s): %s.' % ', '.join(sorted(self.exclude_tags)))
all_tests = filter_tests_by_tags(all_tests, self.tags, self.exclude_tags)
# Put the failures detected at load time first for quicker feedback.
# _FailedTest objects include things like test modules that couldn't be
# found or that couldn't be loaded due to syntax errors.
test_types = (unittest.loader._FailedTest, *self.reorder_by)
all_tests = reorder_tests(all_tests, test_types, self.reverse)
suite = self.test_suite(all_tests)
if self.parallel > 1:
parallel_suite = self.parallel_test_suite(
# Since tests are distributed across processes on a per-TestCase
# basis, there's no need for more processes than TestCases.
parallel_units = len(parallel_suite.subsuites)
self.parallel = min(self.parallel, parallel_units)
# If there's only one TestCase, parallelization isn't needed.
if self.parallel > 1:
suite = parallel_suite
return suite
def setup_databases(self, **kwargs):
return _setup_databases(
self.verbosity, self.interactive, time_keeper=self.time_keeper, keepdb=self.keepdb,
debug_sql=self.debug_sql, parallel=self.parallel, **kwargs
def get_resultclass(self):
if self.debug_sql:
return DebugSQLTextTestResult
elif self.pdb:
return PDBDebugResult
def get_test_runner_kwargs(self):
return {
'failfast': self.failfast,
'resultclass': self.get_resultclass(),
'verbosity': self.verbosity,
'buffer': self.buffer,
def run_checks(self, databases):
# Checks are run after database creation since some checks require
# database access.
call_command('check', verbosity=self.verbosity, databases=databases)
def run_suite(self, suite, **kwargs):
kwargs = self.get_test_runner_kwargs()
runner = self.test_runner(**kwargs)
return runner.run(suite)
def teardown_databases(self, old_config, **kwargs):
"""Destroy all the non-mirror databases."""
def teardown_test_environment(self, **kwargs):
def suite_result(self, suite, result, **kwargs):
return len(result.failures) + len(result.errors)
def _get_databases(self, suite):
databases = {}
for test in iter_test_cases(suite):
test_databases = getattr(test, 'databases', None)
if test_databases == '__all__':
test_databases = connections
if test_databases:
serialized_rollback = getattr(test, 'serialized_rollback', False)
(alias, serialized_rollback or databases.get(alias, False))
for alias in test_databases
return databases
def get_databases(self, suite):
databases = self._get_databases(suite)
if self.verbosity >= 2:
unused_databases = [alias for alias in connections if alias not in databases]
if unused_databases:
print('Skipping setup of unused database(s): %s.' % ', '.join(sorted(unused_databases)))
return databases
def run_tests(self, test_labels, extra_tests=None, **kwargs):
Run the unit tests for all the test labels in the provided list.
Test labels should be dotted Python paths to test modules, test
classes, or test methods.
A list of 'extra' tests may also be provided; these tests
will be added to the test suite.
Return the number of tests that failed.
suite = self.build_suite(test_labels, extra_tests)
databases = self.get_databases(suite)
serialized_aliases = set(
for alias, serialize in databases.items() if serialize
with self.time_keeper.timed('Total database setup'):
old_config = self.setup_databases(
run_failed = False
result = self.run_suite(suite)
except Exception:
run_failed = True
with self.time_keeper.timed('Total database teardown'):
except Exception:
# Silence teardown exceptions if an exception was raised during
# runs to avoid shadowing it.
if not run_failed:
return self.suite_result(suite, result)
def try_importing(label):
Try importing a test label, and return (is_importable, is_package).
Relative labels like "." and ".." are seen as directories.
mod = import_module(label)
except (ImportError, TypeError):
return (False, False)
return (True, hasattr(mod, '__path__'))
def find_top_level(top_level):
# Try to be a bit smarter than unittest about finding the default top-level
# for a given directory path, to avoid breaking relative imports.
# (Unittest's default is to set top-level equal to the path, which means
# relative imports will result in "Attempted relative import in
# non-package.").
# We'd be happy to skip this and require dotted module paths (which don't
# cause this problem) instead of file paths (which do), but in the case of
# a directory in the cwd, which would be equally valid if considered as a
# top-level module or as a directory path, unittest unfortunately prefers
# the latter.
while True:
init_py = os.path.join(top_level, '__init__.py')
if not os.path.exists(init_py):
try_next = os.path.dirname(top_level)
if try_next == top_level:
# __init__.py all the way down? give up.
top_level = try_next
return top_level
def reorder_tests(tests, classes, reverse=False):
Reorder an iterable of tests by test type, removing any duplicates.
`classes` is a sequence of types. The result is returned as an iterator.
All tests of type classes[0] are placed first, then tests of type
classes[1], etc. Tests with no match in classes are placed last.
If `reverse` is True, sort tests within classes in opposite order but
don't reverse test classes.
bins = [OrderedSet() for i in range(len(classes) + 1)]
*class_bins, last_bin = bins
for test in tests:
for test_bin, test_class in zip(class_bins, classes):
if isinstance(test, test_class):
test_bin = last_bin
if reverse:
bins = (reversed(tests) for tests in bins)
return itertools.chain(*bins)
def partition_suite_by_case(suite):
"""Partition a test suite by test case, preserving the order of tests."""
suite_class = type(suite)
all_tests = iter_test_cases(suite)
return [
suite_class(tests) for _, tests in itertools.groupby(all_tests, type)
def test_match_tags(test, tags, exclude_tags):
if isinstance(test, unittest.loader._FailedTest):
# Tests that couldn't load always match to prevent tests from falsely
# passing due e.g. to syntax errors.
return True
test_tags = set(getattr(test, 'tags', []))
test_fn_name = getattr(test, '_testMethodName', str(test))
if hasattr(test, test_fn_name):
test_fn = getattr(test, test_fn_name)
test_fn_tags = list(getattr(test_fn, 'tags', []))
test_tags = test_tags.union(test_fn_tags)
if tags and test_tags.isdisjoint(tags):
return False
return test_tags.isdisjoint(exclude_tags)
def filter_tests_by_tags(tests, tags, exclude_tags):
"""Return the matching tests as an iterator."""
return (test for test in tests if test_match_tags(test, tags, exclude_tags))