mirror of https://github.com/django/django.git synced 2025-03-06 07:22:32 +00:00
Aymeric Augustin 7eefdbf7ab Cleaned up the django.template namespace.
Since this package is going to hold both the implementation of the Django
Template Language and the infrastructure for Multiple Template Engines,
it should be untied from the DTL as much as possible within our
backwards-compatibility policy.

Only public APIs (i.e. APIs mentioned in the documentation) were left.
2014-12-28 14:47:31 +01:00

498 lines
21 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import sys
import unittest
from django import template
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from django.core import urlresolvers
from django.template import (base as template_base, loader,
Context, RequestContext, Template, TemplateSyntaxError)
from django.template.engine import Engine
from django.template.loaders import app_directories, filesystem
from django.test import RequestFactory, SimpleTestCase
from django.test.utils import override_settings, extend_sys_path
from django.utils._os import upath
class TemplateLoaderTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_loaders_security(self):
ad_loader = app_directories.Loader(Engine.get_default())
fs_loader = filesystem.Loader(Engine.get_default())
def test_template_sources(path, template_dirs, expected_sources):
if isinstance(expected_sources, list):
# Fix expected sources so they are abspathed
expected_sources = [os.path.abspath(s) for s in expected_sources]
# Test the two loaders (app_directores and filesystem).
func1 = lambda p, t: list(ad_loader.get_template_sources(p, t))
func2 = lambda p, t: list(fs_loader.get_template_sources(p, t))
for func in (func1, func2):
if isinstance(expected_sources, list):
self.assertEqual(func(path, template_dirs), expected_sources)
self.assertRaises(expected_sources, func, path, template_dirs)
template_dirs = ['/dir1', '/dir2']
test_template_sources('index.html', template_dirs,
['/dir1/index.html', '/dir2/index.html'])
test_template_sources('/etc/passwd', template_dirs, [])
test_template_sources('etc/passwd', template_dirs,
['/dir1/etc/passwd', '/dir2/etc/passwd'])
test_template_sources('../etc/passwd', template_dirs, [])
test_template_sources('../../../etc/passwd', template_dirs, [])
test_template_sources('/dir1/index.html', template_dirs,
test_template_sources('../dir2/index.html', template_dirs,
test_template_sources('/dir1blah', template_dirs, [])
test_template_sources('../dir1blah', template_dirs, [])
# UTF-8 bytestrings are permitted.
test_template_sources(b'\xc3\x85ngstr\xc3\xb6m', template_dirs,
['/dir1/Ångström', '/dir2/Ångström'])
# Unicode strings are permitted.
test_template_sources('Ångström', template_dirs,
['/dir1/Ångström', '/dir2/Ångström'])
test_template_sources('Ångström', [b'/Stra\xc3\x9fe'], ['/Straße/Ångström'])
test_template_sources(b'\xc3\x85ngstr\xc3\xb6m', [b'/Stra\xc3\x9fe'],
# Invalid UTF-8 encoding in bytestrings is not. Should raise a
# semi-useful error message.
test_template_sources(b'\xc3\xc3', template_dirs, UnicodeDecodeError)
# Case insensitive tests (for win32). Not run unless we're on
# a case insensitive operating system.
if os.path.normcase('/TEST') == os.path.normpath('/test'):
template_dirs = ['/dir1', '/DIR2']
test_template_sources('index.html', template_dirs,
['/dir1/index.html', '/DIR2/index.html'])
test_template_sources('/DIR1/index.HTML', template_dirs,
# Turn TEMPLATE_DEBUG on, so that the origin file name will be kept with
# the compiled templates.
def test_loader_debug_origin(self):
# We rely on the fact that runtests.py sets up TEMPLATE_DIRS to
# point to a directory containing a login.html file.
load_name = 'login.html'
# We also rely on the fact the file system and app directories loaders
# both inherit the load_template method from the base Loader class, so
# we only need to test one of them.
template = loader.get_template(load_name)
template_name = template.nodelist[0].source[0].name
'Template loaded by filesystem loader has incorrect name for debug page: %s' % template_name)
def test_cached_loader_debug_origin(self):
# Same comment as in test_loader_debug_origin.
load_name = 'login.html'
# Test the cached loader separately since it overrides load_template.
template = loader.get_template(load_name)
template_name = template.nodelist[0].source[0].name
'Template loaded through cached loader has incorrect name for debug page: %s' % template_name)
template = loader.get_template(load_name)
template_name = template.nodelist[0].source[0].name
'Cached template loaded through cached loader has incorrect name for debug page: %s' % template_name)
def test_loader_origin(self):
template = loader.get_template('login.html')
self.assertEqual(template.origin.loadname, 'login.html')
def test_string_origin(self):
template = Template('string template')
self.assertEqual(template.origin.source, 'string template')
def test_debug_false_origin(self):
template = loader.get_template('login.html')
self.assertEqual(template.origin, None)
# TEMPLATE_DEBUG must be true, otherwise the exception raised
# during {% include %} processing will be suppressed.
# Test the base loader class via the app loader. load_template
# from base is used by all shipped loaders excepting cached,
# which has its own test.
def test_include_missing_template(self):
Tests that the correct template is identified as not existing
when {% include %} specifies a template that does not exist.
load_name = 'test_include_error.html'
r = None
tmpl = loader.select_template([load_name])
r = tmpl.render(template.Context({}))
except template.TemplateDoesNotExist as e:
self.assertEqual(e.args[0], 'missing.html')
self.assertEqual(r, None, 'Template rendering unexpectedly succeeded, produced: ->%r<-' % r)
# TEMPLATE_DEBUG must be true, otherwise the exception raised
# during {% include %} processing will be suppressed.
# Test the base loader class via the app loader. load_template
# from base is used by all shipped loaders excepting cached,
# which has its own test.
def test_extends_include_missing_baseloader(self):
Tests that the correct template is identified as not existing
when {% extends %} specifies a template that does exist, but
that template has an {% include %} of something that does not
exist. See #12787.
load_name = 'test_extends_error.html'
tmpl = loader.get_template(load_name)
r = None
r = tmpl.render(template.Context({}))
except template.TemplateDoesNotExist as e:
self.assertEqual(e.args[0], 'missing.html')
self.assertEqual(r, None, 'Template rendering unexpectedly succeeded, produced: ->%r<-' % r)
def test_extends_include_missing_cachedloader(self):
Same as test_extends_include_missing_baseloader, only tests
behavior of the cached loader instead of base loader.
with override_settings(TEMPLATE_LOADERS=[
('django.template.loaders.cached.Loader', [
load_name = 'test_extends_error.html'
tmpl = loader.get_template(load_name)
r = None
r = tmpl.render(template.Context({}))
except template.TemplateDoesNotExist as e:
self.assertEqual(e.args[0], 'missing.html')
self.assertEqual(r, None, 'Template rendering unexpectedly succeeded, produced: ->%r<-' % r)
# For the cached loader, repeat the test, to ensure the first attempt did not cache a
# result that behaves incorrectly on subsequent attempts.
tmpl = loader.get_template(load_name)
except template.TemplateDoesNotExist as e:
self.assertEqual(e.args[0], 'missing.html')
self.assertEqual(r, None, 'Template rendering unexpectedly succeeded, produced: ->%r<-' % r)
def test_include_template_argument(self):
Support any render() supporting object
ctx = Context({
'tmpl': Template('This worked!'),
outer_tmpl = Template('{% include tmpl %}')
output = outer_tmpl.render(ctx)
self.assertEqual(output, 'This worked!')
def test_include_immediate_missing(self):
Regression test for #16417 -- {% include %} tag raises TemplateDoesNotExist at compile time if TEMPLATE_DEBUG is True
Test that an {% include %} tag with a literal string referencing a
template that does not exist does not raise an exception at parse
tmpl = Template('{% include "this_does_not_exist.html" %}')
self.assertIsInstance(tmpl, Template)
def test_include_recursive(self):
comments = [
'comment': 'A1',
'children': [
{'comment': 'B1', 'children': []},
{'comment': 'B2', 'children': []},
{'comment': 'B3', 'children': [
{'comment': 'C1', 'children': []}
t = loader.get_template('recursive_include.html')
"Recursion! A1 Recursion! B1 B2 B3 Recursion! C1",
t.render(Context({'comments': comments})).replace(' ', '').replace('\n', ' ').strip(),
class TemplateRegressionTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_token_smart_split(self):
# Regression test for #7027
token = template_base.Token(template_base.TOKEN_BLOCK, 'sometag _("Page not found") value|yesno:_("yes,no")')
split = token.split_contents()
self.assertEqual(split, ["sometag", '_("Page not found")', 'value|yesno:_("yes,no")'])
@override_settings(SETTINGS_MODULE=None, TEMPLATE_DEBUG=True)
def test_url_reverse_no_settings_module(self):
# Regression test for #9005
t = Template('{% url will_not_match %}')
c = Context()
with self.assertRaises(urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch):
@override_settings(TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID='%s is invalid', SETTINGS_MODULE='also_something')
def test_url_reverse_view_name(self):
# Regression test for #19827
t = Template('{% url will_not_match %}')
c = Context()
except urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch:
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
depth = 0
while tb.tb_next is not None:
tb = tb.tb_next
depth += 1
self.assertGreater(depth, 5,
"The traceback context was lost when reraising the traceback. See #19827")
@override_settings(DEBUG=True, TEMPLATE_DEBUG=True)
def test_no_wrapped_exception(self):
The template system doesn't wrap exceptions, but annotates them.
Refs #16770
c = Context({"coconuts": lambda: 42 / 0})
t = Template("{{ coconuts }}")
with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.django_template_source[1], (0, 14))
def test_invalid_block_suggestion(self):
# See #7876
Template("{% if 1 %}lala{% endblock %}{% endif %}")
except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
self.assertEqual(e.args[0], "Invalid block tag: 'endblock', expected 'elif', 'else' or 'endif'")
def test_ifchanged_concurrency(self):
# Tests for #15849
template = Template('[0{% for x in foo %},{% with var=get_value %}{% ifchanged %}{{ var }}{% endifchanged %}{% endwith %}{% endfor %}]')
# Using generator to mimic concurrency.
# The generator is not passed to the 'for' loop, because it does a list(values)
# instead, call gen.next() in the template to control the generator.
def gen():
yield 1
yield 2
# Simulate that another thread is now rendering.
# When the IfChangeNode stores state at 'self' it stays at '3' and skip the last yielded value below.
iter2 = iter([1, 2, 3])
output2 = template.render(Context({'foo': range(3), 'get_value': lambda: next(iter2)}))
self.assertEqual(output2, '[0,1,2,3]', 'Expected [0,1,2,3] in second parallel template, got {}'.format(output2))
yield 3
gen1 = gen()
output1 = template.render(Context({'foo': range(3), 'get_value': lambda: next(gen1)}))
self.assertEqual(output1, '[0,1,2,3]', 'Expected [0,1,2,3] in first template, got {}'.format(output1))
def test_cache_regression_20130(self):
t = Template('{% load cache %}{% cache 1 regression_20130 %}foo{% endcache %}')
cachenode = t.nodelist[1]
self.assertEqual(cachenode.fragment_name, 'regression_20130')
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
'LOCATION': 'default',
'template_fragments': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
'LOCATION': 'fragments',
def test_cache_fragment_cache(self):
When a cache called "template_fragments" is present, the cache tag
will use it in preference to 'default'
t1 = Template('{% load cache %}{% cache 1 fragment %}foo{% endcache %}')
t2 = Template('{% load cache %}{% cache 1 fragment using="default" %}bar{% endcache %}')
ctx = Context()
o1 = t1.render(ctx)
o2 = t2.render(ctx)
self.assertEqual(o1, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(o2, 'bar')
def test_cache_missing_backend(self):
When a cache that doesn't exist is specified, the cache tag will
raise a TemplateSyntaxError
t = Template('{% load cache %}{% cache 1 backend using="unknown" %}bar{% endcache %}')
ctx = Context()
with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError):
def test_ifchanged_render_once(self):
""" Test for ticket #19890. The content of ifchanged template tag was
rendered twice."""
template = Template('{% ifchanged %}{% cycle "1st time" "2nd time" %}{% endifchanged %}')
output = template.render(Context({}))
self.assertEqual(output, '1st time')
def test_super_errors(self):
Test behavior of the raise errors into included blocks.
See #18169
t = loader.get_template('included_content.html')
with self.assertRaises(urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch):
def test_debug_tag_non_ascii(self):
Test non-ASCII model representation in debug output (#23060).
c1 = Context({"objs": Group.objects.all()})
t1 = Template('{% debug %}')
self.assertIn("清風", t1.render(c1))
class TemplateTagLoading(SimpleTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.egg_dir = '%s/eggs' % os.path.dirname(upath(__file__))
def test_load_error(self):
ttext = "{% load broken_tag %}"
self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, ttext)
except template.TemplateSyntaxError as e:
self.assertIn('ImportError', e.args[0])
self.assertIn('Xtemplate', e.args[0])
def test_load_error_egg(self):
ttext = "{% load broken_egg %}"
egg_name = '%s/tagsegg.egg' % self.egg_dir
with extend_sys_path(egg_name):
with self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError):
with self.settings(INSTALLED_APPS=['tagsegg']):
with self.settings(INSTALLED_APPS=['tagsegg']):
except template.TemplateSyntaxError as e:
self.assertIn('ImportError', e.args[0])
self.assertIn('Xtemplate', e.args[0])
def test_load_working_egg(self):
ttext = "{% load working_egg %}"
egg_name = '%s/tagsegg.egg' % self.egg_dir
with extend_sys_path(egg_name):
with self.settings(INSTALLED_APPS=['tagsegg']):
class RequestContextTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.fake_request = RequestFactory().get('/')
('django.template.loaders.locmem.Loader', {
'child': '{{ var|default:"none" }}',
def test_include_only(self):
Regression test for #15721, ``{% include %}`` and ``RequestContext``
not playing together nicely.
ctx = RequestContext(self.fake_request, {'var': 'parent'})
template.Template('{% include "child" %}').render(ctx),
template.Template('{% include "child" only %}').render(ctx),
def test_stack_size(self):
Regression test for #7116, Optimize RequetsContext construction
ctx = RequestContext(self.fake_request, {})
# The stack should now contain 3 items:
# [builtins, supplied context, context processor]
self.assertEqual(len(ctx.dicts), 3)
def test_context_comparable(self):
test_data = {'x': 'y', 'v': 'z', 'd': {'o': object, 'a': 'b'}}
# test comparing RequestContext to prevent problems if somebody
# adds __eq__ in the future
request = RequestFactory().get('/')
RequestContext(request, dict_=test_data),
RequestContext(request, dict_=test_data)
class SSITests(SimpleTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(upath(__file__)))
self.ssi_dir = os.path.join(self.this_dir, "templates", "first")
def render_ssi(self, path):
# the path must exist for the test to be reliable
return template.Template('{%% ssi "%s" %%}' % path).render(Context())
def test_allowed_paths(self):
acceptable_path = os.path.join(self.ssi_dir, "..", "first", "test.html")
with override_settings(ALLOWED_INCLUDE_ROOTS=(self.ssi_dir,)):
self.assertEqual(self.render_ssi(acceptable_path), 'First template\n')
def test_relative_include_exploit(self):
May not bypass ALLOWED_INCLUDE_ROOTS with relative paths
e.g. if ALLOWED_INCLUDE_ROOTS = ("/var/www",), it should not be
possible to do {% ssi "/var/www/../../etc/passwd" %}
disallowed_paths = [
os.path.join(self.ssi_dir, "..", "ssi_include.html"),
os.path.join(self.ssi_dir, "..", "second", "test.html"),
with override_settings(ALLOWED_INCLUDE_ROOTS=(self.ssi_dir,)):
for path in disallowed_paths:
self.assertEqual(self.render_ssi(path), '')