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from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.admin.options import IncorrectLookupParameters
from django.contrib.admin.views.main import ChangeList
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.template import Context, Template
from django.test import TransactionTestCase
from regressiontests.admin_changelist.models import Child, Parent
class ChangeListTests(TransactionTestCase):
def test_select_related_preserved(self):
Regression test for #10348: ChangeList.get_query_set() shouldn't
overwrite a custom select_related provided by ModelAdmin.queryset().
m = ChildAdmin(Child, admin.site)
cl = ChangeList(MockRequest(), Child, m.list_display, m.list_display_links,
m.list_filter, m.date_hierarchy, m.search_fields,
m.list_select_related, m.list_per_page, m.list_editable, m)
self.assertEqual(cl.query_set.query.select_related, {'parent': {'name': {}}})
def test_result_list_empty_changelist_value(self):
Regression test for #14982: EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE should be honored
for relationship fields
new_child = Child.objects.create(name='name', parent=None)
request = MockRequest()
m = ChildAdmin(Child, admin.site)
cl = ChangeList(request, Child, m.list_display, m.list_display_links,
m.list_filter, m.date_hierarchy, m.search_fields,
m.list_select_related, m.list_per_page, m.list_editable, m)
cl.formset = None
template = Template('{% load admin_list %}{% spaceless %}{% result_list cl %}{% endspaceless %}')
context = Context({'cl': cl})
table_output = template.render(context)
row_html = '<tbody><tr class="row1"><td><input type="checkbox" class="action-select" value="1" name="_selected_action" /></td><th><a href="1/">name</a></th><td>(None)</td></tr></tbody>'
self.assertFalse(table_output.find(row_html) == -1,
'Failed to find expected row element: %s' % table_output)
def test_result_list_html(self):
Verifies that inclusion tag result_list generates a table when with
default ModelAdmin settings.
new_parent = Parent.objects.create(name='parent')
new_child = Child.objects.create(name='name', parent=new_parent)
request = MockRequest()
m = ChildAdmin(Child, admin.site)
cl = ChangeList(request, Child, m.list_display, m.list_display_links,
m.list_filter, m.date_hierarchy, m.search_fields,
m.list_select_related, m.list_per_page, m.list_editable, m)
cl.formset = None
template = Template('{% load admin_list %}{% spaceless %}{% result_list cl %}{% endspaceless %}')
context = Context({'cl': cl})
table_output = template.render(context)
row_html = '<tbody><tr class="row1"><td><input type="checkbox" class="action-select" value="1" name="_selected_action" /></td><th><a href="1/">name</a></th><td>Parent object</td></tr></tbody>'
self.assertFalse(table_output.find(row_html) == -1,
'Failed to find expected row element: %s' % table_output)
def test_result_list_editable_html(self):
Regression tests for #11791: Inclusion tag result_list generates a
table and this checks that the items are nested within the table
element tags.
Also a regression test for #13599, verifies that hidden fields
when list_editable is enabled are rendered in a div outside the
new_parent = Parent.objects.create(name='parent')
new_child = Child.objects.create(name='name', parent=new_parent)
request = MockRequest()
m = ChildAdmin(Child, admin.site)
# Test with list_editable fields
m.list_display = ['id', 'name', 'parent']
m.list_display_links = ['id']
m.list_editable = ['name']
cl = ChangeList(request, Child, m.list_display, m.list_display_links,
m.list_filter, m.date_hierarchy, m.search_fields,
m.list_select_related, m.list_per_page, m.list_editable, m)
FormSet = m.get_changelist_formset(request)
cl.formset = FormSet(queryset=cl.result_list)
template = Template('{% load admin_list %}{% spaceless %}{% result_list cl %}{% endspaceless %}')
context = Context({'cl': cl})
table_output = template.render(context)
# make sure that hidden fields are in the correct place
hiddenfields_div = '<div class="hiddenfields"><input type="hidden" name="form-0-id" value="1" id="id_form-0-id" /></div>'
self.assertFalse(table_output.find(hiddenfields_div) == -1,
'Failed to find hidden fields in: %s' % table_output)
# make sure that list editable fields are rendered in divs correctly
editable_name_field = '<input name="form-0-name" value="name" class="vTextField" maxlength="30" type="text" id="id_form-0-name" />'
self.assertFalse('<td>%s</td>' % editable_name_field == -1,
'Failed to find "name" list_editable field in: %s' % table_output)
def test_result_list_editable(self):
Regression test for #14312: list_editable with pagination
new_parent = Parent.objects.create(name='parent')
for i in range(200):
new_child = Child.objects.create(name='name %s' % i, parent=new_parent)
request = MockRequest()
request.GET['p'] = -1 # Anything outside range
m = ChildAdmin(Child, admin.site)
# Test with list_editable fields
m.list_display = ['id', 'name', 'parent']
m.list_display_links = ['id']
m.list_editable = ['name']
self.assertRaises(IncorrectLookupParameters, lambda: \
ChangeList(request, Child, m.list_display, m.list_display_links,
m.list_filter, m.date_hierarchy, m.search_fields,
m.list_select_related, m.list_per_page, m.list_editable, m))
def test_custom_paginator(self):
new_parent = Parent.objects.create(name='parent')
for i in range(200):
new_child = Child.objects.create(name='name %s' % i, parent=new_parent)
request = MockRequest()
m = ChildAdmin(Child, admin.site)
m.list_display = ['id', 'name', 'parent']
m.list_display_links = ['id']
m.list_editable = ['name']
m.paginator = CustomPaginator
cl = ChangeList(request, Child, m.list_display, m.list_display_links,
m.list_filter, m.date_hierarchy, m.search_fields,
m.list_select_related, m.list_per_page, m.list_editable, m)
self.assertIsInstance(cl.paginator, CustomPaginator)
class ChildAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ['name', 'parent']
def queryset(self, request):
return super(ChildAdmin, self).queryset(request).select_related("parent__name")
class MockRequest(object):
GET = {}
class CustomPaginator(Paginator):
def __init__(self, queryset, page_size, orphans=0, allow_empty_first_page=True):
super(CustomPaginator, self).__init__(queryset, 5, orphans=2,