The Jython bug was fixed in
(tested on Jython 2.7b3); also updated make_msgid() to be more like
the version in Python 3.2+; refs #23905.
Thanks Simon Charette for testing and review.
- commit/rollback are no longer replaced by nop
- the warning about not using TestCase when testing transactional
behavior belongs to TestCase section, not TransactionTestCase
This rename is very tricky for the case of subclasses which define
get_query_set and haven't been updated yet, which applies to all projects in
the form of RelatedManager from Django 1.5.
Since RequestContext doesn't know its Engine until it's passed to
Template.render() -- and cannot without breaking a widely used public
API -- an elaborate hack is required to apply context processors.
Passed the engine instance to loaders. This is a prerequisite for
looking up configuration on the engine instance instead of global
This is backwards incompatible for custom template loaders that override
__init__. However the documentation doesn't talk about __init__ and the
way to pass arguments to custom template loaders isn't specified. I'm
considering it a private API.
This reverts commit f36151ed169813f2873e13ca9de616cfa4095321.
Adding kwargs to deconstructed objects does not achieve useful
forward-compatibility in general, since additional arguments are silently
dropped rather than having their intended effect. In fact, it can make the
failure more difficult to diagnose. Thanks Shai Berger for discussion.
I don't agree with flake8 here about the right indentation, but as long as
we're using it, we should stick to it. I don't want to disable its hanging
indent checks just because of this case.
This change preserves backwards-compatibility for a very common misuse
of render_to_response which even occurred in the official documentation.
It fixes that misuse wherever it happened in the code base and docs.
Context.__init__ is documented as accepting a dict and nothing else.
Since Context is dict-like, Context(Context({})) could work to some
extent. However, things get complicated with RequestContext and that
gets in the way of refactoring the template engine. This is the real
rationale for this change.